Probable Effects of the Proposed
Sulphur Gulch Reservoir on Colorado River
Quantity and Quality near Grand Junction,
By M.J. Friedel
Available from the U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Information
Services, Box 25286, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, USGS
Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5253, 71 p., 25 figs.
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The citation for this report, in USGS format, is as follows:
Friedel, M.J., 2004, Probable Effects of the Proposed Sulphur Gulch Reservoir
on Colorado River Quantity and Quality near Grand Junction, Colorado:
U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5253, 71
A 16,000 acre-foot reservoir is proposed to be located
about 25 miles east of Grand Junction, Colorado, on a tributary
of the Colorado River that drains the Sulphur Gulch watershed
between De Beque and Cameo, Colorado. The Sulphur Gulch
Reservoir, which would be filled by pumping water from the
Colorado River, is intended to provide the Colorado River with
at least 5,412.5 acre-feet of water during low-flow conditions to
meet the East Slope’s portion of the 10,825 acre-feet of water
required under the December 20, 1999, Final Programmatic
Biological Opinion for the Upper Colorado River. The reservoir
also may provide additional water in the low-flow period and as
much as 10,000 acre-feet of water to supplement peak flows
when flows in the Colorado River are between 12,900 and
26,600 cubic feet per second. For this study, an annual stochastic
mixing model with a daily time step and 1,500 Monte Carlo
trials were used to evaluate the probable effect that reservoir
operations may have on water quality in the Colorado River at
the Government Highline Canal and the Grand Valley Irrigation
Simulations of the divertible flow (ambient background
streamflow), after taking into account demands of downstream
water rights, indicate that divertible flow will range from
621,860 acre-feet of water in the driest year to 4,822,732 acrefeet
of water in the wettest year. Because of pumping limitations,
pumpable flow (amount of streamflow available after
considering divertible flow and subsequent pumping constraints)
will be less than divertible flow. Assuming a pumping
capacity of 150 cubic feet per second and year round pumping,
except during reservoir release periods, the simulations indicate
that there is sufficient streamflow to fill a 16,000 acre-feet reservoir
100 percent of the time. Simulated pumpable flows in the
driest year are 91,669 acre-feet and 109,500 acre-feet in the
wettest year. Simulations of carryover storage together with
year-round pumping indicate that there is generally sufficient
pumpable flow available to refill the reservoir to capacity each
year following peak-flow releases of as much as 10,000 acrefeet
and low-flow releases of 5,412.5 acre-feet of water.
It is assumed that at least 5,412.5 acre-feet of stored
water will be released during low-flow conditions irrespective of the
hydrologic condition. Simulations indicate that peak-flow release conditions
(flows between 12,900 and 26,600 cubic feet per second) to allow release
of 10,000 acre-feet of stored water in the spring will occur only about
50 percent of the time. Under typical (5 of 10 years) to moderately dry
(3 of 10 years) hydrologic conditions, the duration of the peak-flow conditions
will not allow the full 10,000 acre-feet to be released from storage to
supplement peak flows. During moderate to extremely dry (2 of 10 years)
hydrologic conditions, the peak-flow release conditions will not occur,
and there will be no opportunity to release water from storage to supplement
peak flows.
In general, the simulated daily background dissolved-solids
concentrations (salinity) increase due to the reservoir releases as hydrologic
conditions go from wet to dry at the Government Highline Canal. For example,
the simulated median concentrations during the low-flow period range from
417 milligrams per liter (wet year) to 723 milligrams per liter (dry year),
whereas the simulated median concentrations observed during the peak-flow
period range from 114 milligrams per liter (wet year) to 698 milligrams
per liter (dry year). Background concentration values at the Grand Valley
Irrigation Canal are generally only a few percent less than those at the
Government Highline Canal except during dry years.
Low-flow reservoir releases of 5,412.5 acre-feet and 10,825
acre-feet were simulated for a 30-day period in September, and low-flow
releases of 5,412.5 acre-feet were simulated for a 78-day period in the
months of August through October. In general, these low-flow releases
resulted in changes to salinity concentrations ranging from slight decreases
to slight increases in dissolved-solids concentrations over the range
of hydrologic conditions simulated. Low-flow releases of 5,412.5 acre-feet
of water over the 78-day period resulted in percentage increases in salinity
greater than the measurement error for salinity in fewer than 10 percent
of the driest years simulated. Low-flow releases of 5,412.5 acre-feet
of water over the 30-day period coupled with peak-flow releases of as
much as 10,000 acre-feet of water also resulted in percentage increases
in salinity greater than the measurement error for dissolved-solids in
fewer than 10 percent of the driest years simulated. Observed trends in
stream dissolved-solids concentrations at the Grand Valley Irrigation
Canal are similar to observations of simulated dissolved-solids concentrations
change at the Government Highline Canal, however, the magnitude of percent
and absolute change is less except under very dry hydrologic conditions.
In addition to dissolved-solids concentration, understanding
instream changes in selenium concentration following reservoir
releases are of concern because selenium can be toxic to
fish and other biota. In general, instream selenium concentrations
are an order of magnitude greater in tributary creeks like
Sulphur Gulch (1 to 25 micrograms per liter) than in the Colorado
River (0.3 to 0.7 microgram per liter). Stochastic modeling
indicates that random sampling may result in a 1-percent and
35-percent chance, respectively, of exceeding Colorado
instream acute (18.4 micrograms per liter) and chronic
(4.6 micrograms per liter) water-quality standards in Sulphur
Gulch runoff. The lack of selenium in water pumped from the
Colorado River to storage likely will result in diluting reservoir
concentrations to respective levels ranged from 0.37 to
1.48 micrograms per liter under wet and dry hydrologic conditions.
Therefore, based on the simulations and inherent assumptions,
selenium concentrations in the proposed reservoir are
expected to be less than the acute and chronic standards.
Description of Study Area
Physiography and Climate
Water Management and Use
Land Use
Description of the Model
Random Variables
Nonlinear Regression and Residual Analysis
Monte Carlo Method
Hydrology Model
Water-Quality Model
Model Validation
Stability and Convergence
Comparison of Simulated and Measured Forecasts
Scenario Modeling
Water Quantity
Divertible Flow
Pumpable Flow
Reservoir Storage
Water Budget
Water Quality
Occurrence and Distribution of Selenium
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited
Appendix 1—Hydrology Model Description
Appendix 2—Water-Quality Model Description
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