Response Curves for Phosphorus Plume Lengths from Reactive-Solute-Transport Simulations of Onland Disposal of Wastewater in Noncarbonate Sand and Gravel AquifersBy John A. ColmanPrepared in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental ProtectionScientific Investigations Report 2004-5299 |
After publication, an error was found in this report.
The error and the correction are as follows:
page 24: Beneath figure 16, the third line of the caption reads " the extent of the 0.015 milligram per day dissolved phosphorus contour..."
It should read " the extent of the 0.015 milligram per liter dissolved phosphorus contour..."
The corrected figure caption, in its entirety, will then read:
Figure 16. Simulated dissolved phosphorus-plume length, as a function of unsaturated-zone thickness and phosphorus concentration in the discharge. Plume length (illustrated with the contours; contour interval is 250 feet) is defined by the extent of the 0.015 milligram per liter dissolved phosphorus contour after 50 years of discharge at the rate of
3 gallons per square foot per year onto a 20,000 square foot infiltration bed. Dots indicate the values of unsaturated-zone thicknesses and phosphorus concentrations of effluent used in the model runs.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this error. If you have any questions, contact the USGS MA-RI Water Science Center at 508-490-5000.