Scientific Investigations Report 2005—5180
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Conservation, undertook a study to quantify fish habitat by using relations between streamflow and the spatial and temporal distributions of fish habitat at five sites in the Marmaton and Marais des Cygnes Rivers in western Missouri. Twenty-six fish habitat categories were selected for nine species under varying seasonal (spring, summer, and fall), diel (summer day and night), and life-stage (spawning, juvenile, and adult) conditions. Physical habitat characteristics were determined for each category using depth, velocity, and channel substrate criteria. Continuous streamflow data were then combined with the habitat-streamflow relations to compile a habitat time series for each habitat category at each site.
Fish habitat categories were assessed as to their vulnerability to habitat alteration based on critical life stages (spawning and juvenile rearing periods) and susceptibility to habitat limitations from dewatering or high flows. Species categories representing critical life stages with physical habitat limitations represent likely bottlenecks in fish populations. Categories with potential bottlenecks can serve as indicator categories and aid managers when determining the flows necessary for maintaining these habitats under altered flow regimes.
The relation between the area of each habitat category and streamflow differed greatly between category, season, and stream reach. No single flow maximized selected habitat area for all categories or even for all species/category within a particular season at a site. However, some similarities were noted among habitat characteristics, including the streamflow range for which habitat availability is maximized and the range of streamflows for which a habitat category area is available at the Marmaton River sites.
A monthly habitat time series was created for all 26 habitat categories at two Marmaton River sites. A daily habitat time series was created at three Marais des Cygnes River sites for two periods: 1941 through 1963 (pre-regulation) and 1982 through 2003 (post-regulation). The habitat category with the highest median area in spring was paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) with normalized areas of up to 2,000 square meters per 100 meters of stream channel. Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) habitat area generally was the category area most available in summer and fall. Differences in daily selected habitat area time series between pre- and post-regulation time periods varied by species/category and by site. For instance, whereas there was a decline in the distribution of spring spawning habitat for suckermouth minnow (Phenacobius mirabilis) and slenderhead darter (Percina phoxocephala) from pre- to post-regulation periods at all three sites, the 25 to 75 percentile habitat area substantially increased for paddlefish under post-regulation conditions.
Potential habitat area for most species was maximized at the Marmaton River sites at flows of about 1 to 10 cubic meters per second, whereas median monthly streamflows ranged from less than 1 to 20 cubic meters per second depending on site and season. Paddlefish habitat was available beginning at higher flows than other categories (4 to 7 cubic meters per second) and also maximized at higher flows (greater than 50 to 100 cubic meters per second). Selected potential habitat area was maximized for most species at the Marais des Cygnes River sites at flows of about 1 to 50 cubic meters per second, whereas median monthly streamflows ranged from 4 to 55 cubic meters per second depending on site and season.
The range of streamflows for which selected habitat area was available in summer and fall was substantially less at the channelized Marais des Cygnes River site when compared to the non-channelized sites, and, therefore, the susceptibility of categories to high-flow habitat limitations was greater at this site. The channelized reach was more uniform and had a greater conveyance as a result of the greater slope, and, therefore, category criteria were exceeded at lower flows.
The susceptibility of fish habitat to dewatering varied by species, site, and season, but generally habitats for slenderhead darter, stonecat (Noturus flavus), and paddlefish were the most susceptible to habitat limitation at flows less than 1 cubic meter per second. Red shiner (Notropis lutrensis) and sand shiner (Notropis stramineus) habitat areas were the least susceptible to low flows. Habitat was limited for most species, other than paddlefish, at streamflows greater than 20 to 30 cubic meters per second at the Marmaton River sites. At the Marais des Cygnes River sites, the susceptibility of categories to habitat limitations at high streamflows varied greatly from streamflows greater than 100 cubic meters per second at the channelized site to greater than 800 cubic meters per second at an upstream non-channelized site.
Description of Study Area
Purpose and Scope
Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Characteristics
Finite-Element Mesh
Model Calibration, Validation, and Sensitivity
Sources of Error
Substrate Mapping
Fish Habitat Categories
Fish Habitat Characteristics
Quantification of Fish Habitat
Simulated Hydraulic Characteristics
Fish Habitat Characteristics
Habitat Availability
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Habitat
Spatial Distribution and Persistence
Temporal Distribution
Implications for Fishery-Community Management
Summary and Conclusions
1–5. Spatial distribution of fish habitat area by category and streamflow for:
1. Marmaton River site M1
2. Marmaton River site M2
3. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
4. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2
5. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3
1. Map showing location of study sites
2–6. Photographs showing the:
2. Marmaton River site M1, September 2004
3. Marmaton River site M2, September 2003
4. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1, July 2003
5. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2, July 2002
6. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3, July 2002
7. Finite-element mesh, bed roughness, measured topographic data points, and bed elevation at the Marmaton River site M1
8. Finite-element mesh, bed roughness, and bed elevation at the Marmaton River site M2
9. Finite-element mesh, bed roughness, measured topographic data points, and bed elevation at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
10. Finite-element mesh, bed roughness, and bed elevation at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2
11. Finite-element mesh, bed roughness, and bed elevation at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3
12–13. Graphs showing sensitivity of simulated velocity, depth, and water-surface elevations to changes in:
12. Bed roughness height at flows of 2.01 and 48.7 cubic meters per second at the Marmaton River site M2
13. Eddy viscosity bed shear parameter at flows of 2.01 and 48.7 cubic meters per second at the Marmaton River site M2
14. Graphs showing distribution of measured (available) velocities and depths and those used by the orangespotted sunfish
15–19. Maps showing spatial distribution of velocity and depth at the:
15. Marmaton River site M1 for flows of 0.260, 1.22, and 11.0 cubic meters per second
16. Marmaton River site M2 for flows of 0.250, 0.620, and 9.74 cubic meters per second
17. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1 for flows of 1.01, 8.78, and 116 cubic meters per second
18. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2 for flows of 1.01, 9.91, and 122 cubic meters per second
19. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3 for flows of 1.01, 10.9, and 116 cubic meters per second
20–24. Maps showing spatial distribution of channel substrate materials at the:
20. Marmaton River site M1, August 2004
21. Marmaton River site M2, August 2004
22. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1, September 2004
23. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2, September 2004
24. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3, September 2004
25–29. Graphs showing relation between normalized selected habitat area and monthly streamflow distribution for spring, summer day and night, and fall conditions at the:
25. Marmaton River site M1
26. Marmaton River site M2
27. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
28. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2
29. Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3
30–34. Graphs showing median normalized selected habitat area:
30. Monthly time series for habitat categories at the Marmaton River site M1, 1971–2003
31. Monthly time series for habitat categories at the Marmaton River site M2, 1971–2003
32. Daily time series for habitat categories at the Marais des Cygnes site MDC1, 1941–1963 and 1982–2003
33. Daily time series for habitat categories at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2, 1941–1963 and 1982–2003
34. Daily time series for habitat categories at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3, 1941–1963 and 1982–2003
35–40. Graphs showing summary distributions of:
35. Monthly habitat area time series at the Marmaton River site M1, 1971–2003
36. Monthly habitat area time series at the Marmaton River site M2, 1971–2003
37. Daily habitat area time series at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1, 1941–1963 and 1982–2003
38. Daily habitat area time series at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2, 1941–1963 and 1982–2003
39. Daily habitat area time series at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3, 1941–1963 and 1982–2003
40. Graphs showing selected habitat area by category, streamflow, season, and study site
1. Location and characteristics of study sites
2. Selected continuous streamflow gaging stations in the Marmaton and Marais des Cygnes River Basins and period of record used
3. Input data for the Marmaton and Marais des Cygnes River study reach simulations
4. Calibration and validation error results for measured and simulated hydraulic properties at selected scenario streamflows
5. Channel-bed elevation errors associated with stream model mesh interpolations at each study site
6. Fish habitat categories used in the determination of selected habitat area for the Marmaton and Marais des Cygnes River study sites
7. Variability in nodal depths and velocities for selected streamflows at the Marais des Cygnes River study sites
8. Characteristics of selected habitat area by simulation streamflow and habitat category at Marmaton River site M1
9. Characteristics of selected habitat area by simulation streamflow and habitat category at Marmaton River site M2
10. Comparison of 1941 through 1963 and 1982 through 2003 streamflow statistics at the Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
11. Characteristics of selected habitat area by simulation streamflow and habitat category at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
12. Characteristics of selected habitat area by simulation streamflow and habitat category at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2
13. Characteristics of selected habitat area by simulation streamflow and habitat category at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3
14. Habitat persistence by streamflow and habitat category for Marmaton River site M1
15. Habitat persistence by streamflow and habitat category for Marmaton River site M2
16. Habitat persistence by streamflow and habitat category for Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
17. Habitat persistence by streamflow and habitat category for Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2
18. Habitat persistence by streamflow and habitat category for Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3
19. Distribution of monthly habitat time-series values by habitat category at Marmaton River site M1, 1971–2003
20. Distribution of monthly habitat time-series values by habitat category at Marmaton River site M2, 1971–2003
21. Distribution of daily habitat time-series values by habitat category for 1941 through 1963 and 1982 through 2003 at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1
22. Distribution of daily habitat time-series values by habitat category for 1941 through 1963 and 1982 through 2003 at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC2
23. Distribution of daily habitat time-series values by habitat category for 1941 through 1963 and 1982 through 2003 at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC3
24. Range of flows beyond which selected habitat area is limited for seasonal indicator species for the Marmaton and Marais des Cygnes Rivers
1. Temporal distribution of selected fish habitat area for slenderhead darter and paddlefish at Marais des Cygnes River site MDC1 for May 3 to May 20, 1996
Multiply | By | To obtain |
Length | ||
centimeter (cm) | 0.3937 | inch (in.) |
millimeter (mm) | 0.03937 | inch (in.) |
meter (m) | 3.281 | foot (ft) |
kilometer (km) | 0.6214 | mile (mi) |
meter (m) | 1.094 | yard (yd) |
Area | ||
square meter (m2) | 0.0002471 | acre |
hectare (ha) | 2.471 | acre |
square meter (m2) | 10.76 | square foot (ft2) |
hectare (ha) | 0.003861 | square mile (mi2) |
square kilometer (km2) | 0.3861 | square mile (mi2) |
Volume | ||
cubic meter (m3) | 6.290 | barrel (petroleum, 1 barrel = 42 gal) |
cubic meter (m3) | 264.2 | gallon (gal) |
cubic meter (m3) | 0.0002642 | million gallons (Mgal) |
cubic meter (m3) | 35.31 | cubic foot (ft3) |
cubic meter (m3) | 1.308 | cubic yard (yd3) |
cubic meter (m3) | 0.0008107 | acre-foot (acre-ft) |
Flow rate |
cubic meter per second (m3/s) | 70.07 | acre-foot per day (acre-ft/d) |
meter per second (m/s) | 3.281 | foot per second (ft/s) |
cubic meter per second (m3/s) | 35.31 | cubic foot per second (ft3/s) |
cubic meter per second per square kilometer [(m3/s)/km2] | 91.49 | cubic foot per second per square mile [(ft3/s)/mi2] |
cubic meter per day per square kilometer [(m3/d)/km2] | 684.28 | gallon per day per square mile [(gal/d)/mi2] |
cubic meter per second (m3/s) | 22.83 | million gallons per day (Mgal/d) |
Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).
Horizontal coordinate information is referenced by the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).
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