Analysis of Pesticides in Surface Water and Sediment from Yolo Bypass, California, 2004–2005
By Kelly L. Smalling, James L. Orlando, and Kathryn M. Kuivila
Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5220, published 2005.
Table 2
Surface water, suspended and bed sediment sampling sites in the Yolo Bypass and its tributaries, California, and sample matrix collected.
[Horizontal Datum is NAD 83. dms , degrees, minutes, seconds; km , kilometer]
Site name USGS site identification no. Latitude (dms) Longitude (dms) Distance to bypass (km) Sample matrix collected
Cache Creek Inflow to Settling Basin near Woodland 384340121434401 38°43'40" 121°43'48" 9.2 Water, bed sediment
Knights Landing Ridge Cut near Knights Landing 384455121414001 38°44'55" 121°41'40" 3.9 Water, suspended and bed sediment
Sacramento River at Knights Landing 11391000 38°47'06" 121°39'16" 9.1 Water
Sacramento Slough near Knights Landing 11391100 38°48'11" 121°42'59" 2 Water
South Fork Putah Creek at Mace Rd near Davis 383109121414601 38°31 09" 121°41'46" 3.5 Water, suspended and bed sediment
Toe Drain at Yolo Bypass near West Sacramento 383425121350201 38°34'25" 121°35'02" Within bypass Water and bed sediment
Willow Slough Bypass at County Rd 105 near Davis 383524121403401 38°35'24" 121°40'34" 4.7 Water, suspended and bed sediment
Woodland R1       Within bypass Bed sediment
Yolo Bypass Demonstration Pond       Within bypass Water