The spatial dataset for measured sections, rev_msec, is an ArcInfo® coverage in which arcs represent the traverse lines for the measured sections. All measured sections occur at a traverse line. Measured sections were assembled from observations on a series of outcrops occurring along a traverse line, a few of which were assembled from two or more separate traverses that recorded a series of continuous strata.
This dataset was developed to provide geospatial GIS for use in future spatial analysis by a variety of users. This database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale larger than 1:48,000 (for example, 1:24,000 or 1:12,000).
The ArcInfo rev_msec dataset consists of an arc attribute table, rev_msec.aat, that relates to the rev_msec.ref (source reference) look-up table. Additional details about the measured sections can be found Table 5 of the report text.
Calendar_Date: 2005
Currentness_Reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -118.00
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -115.00
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 49.00
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 47.00
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Theme_Keyword: stratigraphic section
Theme_Keyword: measured section
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Place_Keyword: Idaho
Place_Keyword: Shoshone County
Place_Keyword: Montana
Place_Keyword: Sanders County
Place_Keyword: Pacific Northwest
Place_Keyword: USA
Place_Keyword: Lincoln County
Place_Keyword: Kootenai County
Place_Keyword: Benewah County
Place_Keyword: Bonner County
Place_Keyword: Mineral County
Place_Keyword: Idaho County
Stratum_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Stratum_Keyword: Revett Formation
Stratum_Keyword: Ravalli Group
Stratum_Keyword: Belt Supergroup
Access_Constraints: none
This digital database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale larger than 1:48,000 (for example, 1:24,000 or 1:12,000).
Any hardcopies utilizing these data sets shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Larry Appelgate gathered measured section data from Asarco Company files.
Mary H. Carlson digitized, attributed, and edited the measured section data at a scale of 1:48,000 from unpublished Asarco Company paper maps. David E. Boleneus compiled locational and attribute information for measured sections that were surveyed.
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 2; ESRI ArcCatalog
The digital linework was proofed by dropping it onto rasterized, georectified TIFF images of the original map sheets (Boleneus and others, 2001).
Chain-node topology present. Line segments are a set of sequentially numbered coordinate pairs. No duplicate features exist nor do duplicate points in a data string. Intersecting lines are separated into individual line segments at the point of intersection. All nodes are represented by a single coordinate pair which indicates the beginning or end of a line segment.
This geospatial database was derived from unpublished paper maps by Asarco (1977-1984). Additional measured sections were surveyed and later added to the spatial database. The measured section name item in the spatial database are meant to duplicate the names on the paper maps if applicable.
The horizontal positional accuracy for the digital data is probably no better than 96 meters.
Originator: Boleneus, D.E.
Originator: Appelgate, L.M.
Originator: Joseph, N.L.
Originator: Brandt, T.R.
Publication_Date: 2001
Raster images of geologic maps of Middle Proterozoic Belt strata in parts of Benewah, Bonner, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, Idaho and Lincoln, Mineral and Sanders counties, Montana
Edition: version 1.0
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
Series_Name: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Boleneus and others, 2001a
Many of the measured sections in the rev_msec dataset were digitized from unpublished Asarco Company paper maps. These paper maps were scanned and georectified to produce TIFF images and published as Open-File Report 01-438. Although the measured sections in rev_msec were not digitized from the TIFF images, rather the unpublished paper maps, this source is listed here as a reference.
Measured section locations of the Revett Formation were digitized from Asarco Company paper maps (unpublished) and attributed by Mary H. Carlson (contractor). The digital linework was proofed by dropping it onto rasterized, georectified TIFF images of the original map sheets (Boleneus and others, 2001a). Mary H. Carlson (contractor) revised the traverse locations so as to better fit the geoTIFF images
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: Boleneus and others, 2001a
Downloadable Data for USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5231.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data "as is." The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the product, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty.
In no event shall the USGS have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of use of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of the delivery, installation, operation, or support by USGS.
This digital map GIS is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale larger than 1:48,000 (for example, 1:24,000 or 1:12,000).
Format_Name: ARCE
Format_Version_Number: 9.1
Use the ArcInfo® IMPORT command to convert the E00 file to an ArcGIS® coverage.
To obtain copies of the digital data, download the digital files from the USGS public-access Web site at URL <>, which contains the spatial digital databases and metadata for diamond-drill-core, measured-section, geologic, resource, and mineral-zone maps of the Revett Formation as ArcInfo® interchange-format files.
User must have geographic information system (GIS) software capable of reading ESRI ArcInfo® file formats.