generatefiles Used to name the text file to be generated from this spreadsheet and should not be changed CHTEST Prefix name to be used for input and output files, exactly 6 characters in length 0.0050 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the ICU, in ft/d 30.0 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the UFA, in ft/d 0.10 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the MSCU, in ft/d 30.0 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the LFA, in ft/d 9.0 Radius of well screen, in inches 2500.0 Well discharge, in gallons per minute -430.0 Altitude of the top of the well screen, in ft NGVD 29 -1205.0 Altitude of the bottom of the well screen, in ft NGVD 29 -40.0 Altitude of the top of the ICU, in ft NGVD 29 -430.0 Altitude of the top of the UFA, in ft NGVD 29 -690.0 Altitude of the top of the MSCU, in ft NGVD 29 -855.0 Altitude of the top of the LFA, in ft NGVD 29 -1300.0 Altitude of the bottom of the LFA, in ft NGVD 29, not used if well screen does not tap LFA -1 Constant-head (negative) or no-flow (nonnegative) condition imposed at the top of model 1 Constant-head (negative) or no-flow (nonnegative) condition imposed at the bottom of model 30 Maximum number of iterations to be performed by MODOPTIM, an integer 5 Number of (time, drawdown) data files generated during the aquifer performance test UFA1 Name code to designate observation well 1, exactly 4 characters in length 0.75 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 1, in ft -560.0 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 1, in ft NGVD 29 CHTEST.UFA1.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 1, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet) UFA2 Name code to designate observation well 2, exactly 4 characters in length 2430.0 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 2, in ft -560.0 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 2, in ft NGVD 29 CHTEST.UFA2.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 2, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet) ICU1 Name code to designate observation well 3, exactly 4 characters in length 100.0 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 3, in ft -235.0 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 3, in ft NGVD 29 CHTEST.ICU1.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 3, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet) MSC1 Name code to designate observation well 4, exactly 4 characters in length 200.0 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 4, in ft -772.0 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 4, in ft NGVD 29 CHTEST.MSC1.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 4, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet) LFA1 Name code to designate observation well 5, exactly 4 characters in length 230.0 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 5, in ft -1130.0 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 5, in ft NGVD 29 CHTEST.LFA1.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 5, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet)