# Additional comments possible by starting line w/ # sign. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #.....DATA GROUP 1--General data for building MODFLOW/BAS file # Model centered on wells M503 and M505 to analyze water-level data from ICU, UFA, MSCU, and LFA aquifers !!1a # GRIDDING information:INPUT_COMHAL.GR3.txt # 4 = ITMUNI # # Stress period information has been moved to here so the machine can count # the number of periods. IPER = n/3 A modulo division of n by 3 that doesn't # result in 0 terminates the run. # # All free format data that is of an unspecified length must terminate # with a line that contains: # # NOTE: time is in Decimal Day # SP time Time steps & Multiplier Elapsed time at End of SP 0.2100000 90 1.10 !! 0.21 data input for stress period definition # Identify packages and file name FILE:OUTPUT_COMHAL.BCF.txt BCF:10 FILE:OUTPUT_COMHAL.VAR1.txt Var1:17 FILE:INPUT_COMHAL.WEL.txt WEL5:71 FILE:INPUT_COMHAL.OC.txt OC:72 FILE:INPUT_COMHAL.PCG.txt PCG2:73 file input #----------- # Specify additional files and their associated unit numbers to be opened # in an unformatted format. Follow the format of: #------------------ FILE:OUTPUT_COMHAL.ufh <89> FILE:OUTPUT_COMHAL.cbc <90> # unformatted file input #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #.....DATA GROUP 4--Specification of MODFLOW variables IPART and ISTRT # iapart indicates whether array BUFF is separated from array RHS. If # iapart=0, arrays BUFF and RHS occupy the same space # istrt indicated whether starting heads art to be save. If istrt=0, # starting heads are not saved A line is required for IAPART and ISTRT, no values default to 0, 1. !!4a #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct entry of 1 IBOUND array and increment # Redirect to file:INPUT_COMHAL.ZONES.txt # # # end IBOUND entry and provide no-flow value...... # 999. # # specify starting head ........ # # can alternatively supply Global: & will assume file is # START.HEAD opened on unit 39. # FILE:OUTPUT_SHD.txt GLOBAL:0.00000 unit:39 # #..... Begin entry of BCF package ........................................ # PACKAGE = BCF # # Specify if simulation is Transient or SS. "TRAN" is the fragment used as a key. # Cell-by-cell unit numbers use "UNIT:" as the key. # Transient simulation with cell-by-cell to unit:90 # # Specify layer type with LAYCON values: # 0 - confined # 1 - unconfined # 2 - confined/unconfined with T held constant # 3 - confined/unconfined # Any unspecified layer will be assumed to be confined. # 0 # # Specify Anisotropy as a constant or by layer ... # No numeric values will force an assumption of isotropic conditions # in all layers. # Isotropic # AUTOmatically fill BCF from GR3 file of BCF package ............... # # PACKAGE = VAR1 # 50 90 Tag:ANIS Field:4 SP:1 2 # # Anisotropy cube is reduced so only LFA is affected. # 1 145 002 1.00 Y-conductance 1 197 150 1.00 CUBE -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 of VAR package ...............