generatefiles Used to name the text file to be generated from this spreadsheet and should not be changed COMHAL Prefix name to be used for input and output files, exactly 6 characters in length 0.003 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the ICU, in ft/d 35.0 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the UFA, in ft/d 0.25 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the MSCU, in ft/d 0.10 Initial horizontal hydraulic conductivity of the LFA, in ft/d 9.0 Radius of well screen, in inches 2470.0 Well discharge, in gallons per minute -465.0 Altitude of the top of the well screen, in ft NGVD 29 -930.0 Altitude of the bottom of the well screen, in ft NGVD 29 -40.0 Altitude of the top of the ICU, in ft NGVD 29 -465.0 Altitude of the top of the UFA, in ft NGVD 29 -720.0 Altitude of the top of the MSCU, in ft NGVD 29 -855.0 Altitude of the top of the LFA, in ft NGVD 29 -930.0 Altitude of the bottom of the LFA, in ft NGVD 29, not used if well screen does not tap LFA -1 Constant-head (negative) or no-flow (nonnegative) condition imposed at the top of model 1 Constant-head (negative) or no-flow (nonnegative) condition imposed at the bottom of model 15 Maximum number of iterations to be performed by MODOPTIM, an integer 2 Number of (time, drawdown) data files generated during the aquifer performance test CHP5 Name code to designate observation well 1, exactly 4 characters in length 0.75 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 1, in ft -482.90 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 1, in ft NGVD 29 INPUT_CHMW5.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 1, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet) AF-3 Name code to designate observation well 2, exactly 4 characters in length 2430.0 Radial distance from center of pumping well to observation well 2, in ft -482.90 Average altitude of open interval for observation well 2, in ft NGVD 29 INPUT_CHAF3.txt Name of (time, drawdown) data file for well 2, up to 20 characters in length, in (days, feet)