Use of Sediment Rating Curves and Optical Backscatter Data to Characterize Sediment Transport in the Upper Yuba River Watershed, California, 2001–03
By Jennifer A. Curtis1, Lorraine E. Flint1, Charles N. Alpers1, Scott A. Wright2 and Noah P. Snyder3
U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report  2005–5246 , published 2006.
Table 4
Regression equation form and statistics for gaging stations in the Middle Yuba and South Yuba Rivers in the upper Yuba River watershed, California.
[Note: Regression variables, which include suspended-sediment concentration and streamflow, were converted to base-10 logarithms. r2, coefficient of determination. a is the Y intercept and b is the regression coefficient in equation 1. N, number of data points: Data points were used to determine group-averaged dataset; group-averaged data points were used in the regression analysis]
 abr2Standard errorP valueF statisticCritical F statistic6N7N (group-averaged)
Middle Yuba River (MYG, Station ID 11410000)
First flush3−4.3772.9870.600.4230.001181.515414
Spring snowmelt5−0.7360.6020.650.1450.008131.61749
South Yuba River (SYG, Station ID 11417500)
First flush3−3.1271.9450.790.3830.000401.514512
Spring snowmelt5−0.7980.5380.670.1860.007201.61659
1Used all data except outliers. 2Used all data collected from June through November except outliers and first flush event data. 3Used all data collected from June through November except outliers. 4Used all data collected from December through March except outliers. 5Used all data collected from April through May except outliers. 6Number of data points used to determine group-averaged dataset. 7Number of group-averaged data points used in regression analysis.