C Last change: EDK 18 Aug 2009 1:56 pm c Program Kendall c 2009 version with 600 seasons / locations c c A program to read a set of paired data values and compute Kendall's c tau correlation coefficient and the Kendall slope estimator. c Four types of analyses are available:: c 1. Seasonal Kendall test with time series (decimal year) data. c Time seies data are converted to seasonal values based on equal c length periods. The program then computes the seasonal Kendall c test for trend. Results are reported for water years (October c through September). c Maximum 50 years (water or calendar) and 600 seasons per year. c 2. Seasonal Kendal test with seasons specified. c Year and season are used directly to compute the seasonal Kendall c test for trend. Seasons can be variable length periods. Results c are reported for calendar years. c Maximum 50 years (water or calendar) and 600 seasons per year. c 3. Regional Kendall test. c Data from multiple locations within a region are tested individually c for temporal trends, and the results are combined into a general c regional trend test. Results are reported as a regional trend over c calendar years. c Maximum 50 calendar years and 600 locations. c 4. Kendal correlation. c Nonparametric test for monotonic correlation of X and Y data. c Maximum of 500 X,Y data pairs. c For seasonal Kendall analyses (types 1 and 2) an option is available to c test for trend in flow-adjusted concentration. This involves computing c LOWESS smooth coordinates for the relation between flow and concentration. c The seasonal Kendall test is then applied to the residuals. c c Each set of data consists of two types of records. The first c record is fixed format and describes the data. The data follows c in free format, one record per observation (maximum of 30000 records). c c First record: c Column Format Variable Contents c 1 i1 itype Type of data (1, 2, 3, or 4) c 3 i1 lws Switch for computing LOWESS c (itype 1 and 2 only) c 0 = no c 1 = yes c 5-7 i3 nseas Number of seasons (needed only for itype = 1) c 9 i1 itap Switch for trend annual period (itype = 1 or 2) c 0 = Water years c 1 = Calendar years c 11-70 a60 title Title for this set of data c c Next records: c The data values in free format separated by blanks or commas. Data requirements c for the four types of analyses are:: c 1 without LOWESS - Decimal year and an associated data value. c with LOWESS - Decimal year, an associated data value, and daily or instantaneous streamflow. c 2 without LOWESS - Integer year, season, and data value. c with LOWESS - Integer year, season, data value, and daily or instantaneous streamflow. c In both cases "season" must be incremental with the first season of the calendar year = 1. c 3 - Integer year, location, and data value. c "Location" must be a number, but locations and years c in the data set can be in any order. c 4 without LOWESS - Two associated data values, X and Y. c with LOWESS - X value, Y value, Z value (flow, etc.). c c Code history: c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack: Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c 29 Apr 99 DKMueller & DRHelsel: I/O converted for statistics training classes. c Simple Kendall correlation added. c 08 May 99 DKMueller & DRHelsel: LOWESS added, I/O modified. C 16 Mar 04 DKMueller: kens n limitation increased from 50 to 2500. c 14 Aug 05 DKMueller & DRHelsel: Regional Kendall test added, I/O revised, array sizes increased. c 23 Aug 05 DKMueller & DRHelsel: Reg Kendall read revised for arbitraty location numbering. c 26 Sep 08 DKMueller: Maximum seasons / locations increased to 600. c 18 Aug 09 DKMueller: Added option for calendar year output for types 1 & 2 c (specified by "itap"). real yreg(30600),yvalue(30000),dectime(30000),year(30000), 2 season(30000) REAL location(30000) REAL xvalue(30000),flow(30000),pred(30000),resid(30000) real results(8) character*60 title, filein, fileout integer maxprds/30600/ write (*,'(a:) ') ' Enter filename for input data --> ' read (*,'(a)') filein m=nchars(filein) open (20, file=filein(1:m),status='OLD') write (*,*) ' Input file opened ', filein 3 write (*,'(a:) ') ' Enter filename for output --> ' read (*,'(a)') fileout IF(fileout .ne. filein) GOTO 4 write (*,'(a:) ') ' Output file name is same as input file' GOTO 3 4 m=nchars(fileout) open (30, file=fileout(1:m)) write (*,*) ' Output file opened ', fileout read (20,2001,end=91) itype, lws, nseas, itap, title ! Read a dataset header 2001 format (i1,i2,i4,i2,1x,a60) if (itype .lt. 2 .and. nseas .lt. 1) goto 92 if (lws .lt. 1) goto 7 ! Read additional LOWESS data 5 WRITE(*,'(a:) ') ' Enter smoothness coefficient f -->' READ(*,'(f4.0)') f if (f.gt.0 .and. f.lt. 1.0 ) goto 6 write(*,'(a)')' f must be between 0.0 and 1.0' go to 5 6 WRITE(*,1004) f 1004 format (' '/' LOWESS coefficient read =', f5.2) 7 write (*,1005) title 1005 format (' '/' Reading data for: ',a60/) if (itype .gt. 3) goto 40 if (itype .gt. 2) goto 30 if (itype .gt. 1) goto 20 write (*,1006) nseas ! Analysis type 1 1006 FORMAT (' Number of seasons =',i3/) n = 1 10 CONTINUE ! Read data if (lws .gt. 0) GOTO 11 read (20,*,end=15) dectime(n), yvalue(n) GOTO 12 11 read (20,*,end=15) dectime(n), yvalue(n), flow(n) 12 n = n+1 if (n .gt. 30001) goto 95 goto 10 15 n = n-1 goto 70 20 continue ! Analysis type 2 n = 1 nseas = 0 21 continue ! Read data if (lws .gt. 0) GOTO 22 read (20,*,end=24) year(n), season(n), yvalue(n) GOTO 23 22 read (20,*,end=24) year(n), season(n), yvalue(n), flow(n) 23 if (season(n) .gt. 600) goto 93 if (season(n) .gt. nseas) nseas = season(n) n = n+1 if (n .gt. 30001) goto 95 goto 21 24 write (*,1006) nseas n = n-1 if (nseas .lt. 2) GOTO 26 do 25 i=1,n ! Create decimal time for each season if (season(i) .gt. 0) ! make decimal slightly larger than mid-season + dectime(i) = int(year(i)) + (season(i)-0.49)/nseas 25 continue GOTO 70 26 do 27 i=1,n if (season(i) .gt. 0) dectime(i) = year(i) 27 continue GOTO 70 30 CONTINUE ! Analysis type 3 n = 1 nloc = 0 31 continue ! Read data read (20,*,end=32) year(n), location(n), yvalue(n) n = n+1 if (n .gt. 30001) goto 95 goto 31 32 n = n-1 call vsrt3(location,year,yvalue,n) nseas = 1 ! Convert locations to "seasons" season(1) = nseas ! for use in seaken subroutine do 33 i=2,n if (location(i) .gt. location(i-1)) nseas = nseas + 1 season(i) = nseas 33 continue if (nseas .gt. 600) goto 94 do 34 i=1,n ! Create "dectime" with a unique dectime(i) = int(year(i)) + (season(i)-0.49)/nseas ! decimal part for each location 34 continue write (*,1007) nseas 1007 FORMAT (' Number of locations =',i3/) GOTO 70 40 continue ! Analysis type 4 n = 1 nseas = 1 41 continue if (lws .gt. 0) GOTO 42 read (20,*,END=44) xvalue(n), yvalue(n) GOTO 43 42 read (20,*,END=44) xvalue(n), yvalue(n), flow(n) 43 n = n+1 if (n .gt. 501) GOTO 96 GOTO 41 44 n = n-1 70 continue write (*,1008) n 1008 format (' Data read - ',i4,' values'/) if (itype .gt. 3) GOTO 80 ! Calculate statistics. if (lws .lt. 1) GOTO 72 call vsrt3(flow,yvalue,dectime,n) ! Sort data by flow for LOWESS call lowess(flow,yvalue,n,f,pred) do 71 i=1,n resid(i) = yvalue(i) - pred(i) 71 CONTINUE call vsrt5(dectime,yvalue,flow,pred,resid,n) ! re-sort by date for Seaken call makeseas(resid,dectime,n,nseas,yreg,nprds,maxprds, 2 base,itype,itap) GOTO 75 72 call makeseas(yvalue,dectime,n,nseas,yreg,nprds,maxprds, 2 base,itype,itap) 75 continue call seaken(yreg,nprds,nseas,results,itype) GOTO 85 80 if (lws .gt. 0) GOTO 81 ! Data type 4. call vsrtx(xvalue,yvalue,n) call kentau(xvalue,yvalue,n,results) GOTO 85 81 call vsrt3(flow,yvalue,xvalue,n) ! Sort data by flow for LOWESS call lowess(flow,yvalue,n,f,pred) do 82 i=1,n resid(i) = yvalue(i) - pred(i) 82 CONTINUE call vsrt5(xvalue,yvalue,flow,pred,resid,n) ! re-sort by date for Kentau call kentau(xvalue,resid,n,results) 85 call seakenrp(itype,lws,itap,title,nprds,nseas,base,f,results) ! Print results. stop ' Normal termination.' 91 stop ' Data file is empty.' 92 stop ' Selected seasons less than 1.' 93 stop ' More than 600 seasons requested.' 94 stop ' More than 600 locations requested.' 95 stop ' More than 30000 input data values.' 96 STOP ' More than 500 X,Y data pairs.' 100 end FUNCTION NCHARS(LINE) C RETURNS NUMBER OF CHARACTERS IN LINE CHARACTER*(60) LINE,USE USE=LINE DO 10 J=60,1,-1 IF(USE(J:J).NE.' ') THEN NCHARS=J GO TO 99 ENDIF 10 CONTINUE NCHARS=0 99 RETURN END subroutine seaken(y,n,nseas,results,itype) c c Seasonal Kendall test for trend. c c Arguments: c y is the data vector in chronological order with one observation c (or missing value = -99999.0) per time period (season or location). c n is the length (total number of time periods) of y, it should be c be a multiple of nseas. c nseas is the number of equally sized time periods per year. c results is the output vector containing c results(1) = Kendall's tau, c results(2) = p-level without serial correlation correction, c results(3) = p-level with serial correlation correction, c results(4) = slope estimate, c results(5) = median value of time, c results(6) = median value of the data, c results(7) = Kendall S (sum of pluses and minuses), and c results(8) = normal variate (z-value). c Each p-level is the attained (two-sided) significance level of the c test [e.g., if (p-level.le.0.05) reject the null hypothesis c of no trend at the 5% level]. c c Limitations: c The number of time periods per year (nseas) must not be greater c then 600 (seasons or locations). c The number of years may not be greater than 50 c (however, to account for 50 calendar years with data filled in to c make complete water years, the internal program limitation has c been increased to 51.) c Thus n from subroutine makeseas must be no greater than 30600 (=600*51). c c References: c 1) A Nonparametric Trend Test for Seasonal Data with Serial c Dependence, R.M.Hirsch & J.R.Slack, Water Resources Research, c Vol.20, No.6, Pages 727-732, June 1984. c 2) Techniques of Trend Analysis for Monthly Water Quality Data, c R.M.Hirsch, J.R.Slack, & R.A.Smith, Water Resources Research, c Vol.18, No.1, Pages 107-121, February 1982. c c Variables names correspond approximately to the variables used in c the first reference. Equation numbers cited in the code comments c refer to the first reference. c c Subprograms called: c kens to compute the basic statistics for a season or location. c rank to compute the ranks of the data. c sgn to compute the sign of a value. c cdfn to compute the cumulative Normal distribution function. c vsrta to sort a vector (IMSL, included in code). c vsrtr to sort a vector (IMSL, included in code). c c Code history: c 28 May 85 JRSlack Initial coding. c 18 Dec 85 JRSlack Trap to handle each season being all ties. c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c real y(n), yjg(51,600), x(51), rjg(51,600), results(8) common /holddiff/ ydiff(765000) ! Array to hold differences (see 'kens' subroutine). real ycheck/-99998.0/ ! Check for missing values against this. c c Input error checking. c if (nseas.gt.600) stop ' More than 600 seasons or locations.' nyrs = n / nseas ! Integral number of years. if (nyrs.gt.51) stop ' More than 50 years.' if (nseas*nyrs.ne.n) write (*,1001) 1001 format(/' WARNING: The last year of data you supplied' 2 ' is incomplete and will be ignored.'/ 3 ' If you want it used, add a missing value (-99999)'/ 4 ' for each season through the end of the water year,'/ 5 ' or for each location during the last calendar year'//) c c Compute the s value for each of the nseas seasons, c compute the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix, c and add them up. c index = 1 ! Next available location in array ydiff. sumcomp = 0.0 ! Number of comparisons. sums = 0.0 ! Sum of S's. sumsiggh = 0.0 ! Sum of sigma sub gh. sumngh=0.0 ! Sum for 3rd part of equation 14. sumngh2=0.0 ! Sum of squares for 3rd part of equation 14. c c Move the data into a new array to make subroutine calls easier. c do 20 iseas = 1, nseas ng = 0 do 10 iyr = 1 , nyrs ! Each time period corresponding to this season. yjg(iyr,iseas) = y((iyr-1) * nseas + iseas) if (yjg(iyr,iseas) .gt. ycheck) ng = ng + 1 x(iyr) = real(iyr) ! Year counter for kens subroutine. 10 continue sumngh = sumngh + ng+1 ! Note addition of 1 for eq. 14. sumngh2 = sumngh2 + (ng+1)**2 ! " call kens(x,yjg(1,iseas),nyrs,s,var,ncomp,ydiff(index)) c c For testing, ncomp must equal ng(ng-1)/2. if (ncomp.ne.(ng*(ng-1))/2) stop ' ncomp vs ng error in seaken.' c index = index + ncomp sums = sums + s sumsiggh = sumsiggh + var ! Variance part of eq. 5. sumcomp = sumcomp + ncomp call rank(yjg(1,iseas),rjg(1,iseas),nyrs) ! Ranks for RigRih. 20 continue c c Check for the possibility that each season is all ties; i.e., was a c constant giving zero variance in each season. c if (sumsiggh.le.0.0) then results(1)=0.0 results(2)=1.0 results(3)=1.0 results(4)=0.0 go to 70 endif c c First results. c tau = sums / sumcomp ! Kendall's tau. c results(7) = sums results(1) = tau c if (sums.gt.0.0) sums = sums - 1.0 ! Continuity correction. if (sums.lt.0.0) sums = sums + 1.0 ! " z = sums / sqrt(sumsiggh) ! Approximately Normal deviate. if (z.le.0.0) plevel = 2.0 * cdfn(z) if (z.gt.0.0) plevel = 2.0 * (1.0 - cdfn(z)) c c ! p-level without correction. c results(8) = z results(2) = plevel c sumngh=sumngh**2-sumngh2 ! Sum over g&h of (ng+1)(nh+1). c c Now calculate the serial correlation correction. c Compute covariances. c sumkgh=0.0 sumrgh=0.0 do 60 j=1,nyrs c c Sum RigRih part. c sumr=0.0 sumr2=0.0 do 30 iseas=1,nseas sumr=sumr+rjg(j,iseas) sumr2=sumr2+rjg(j,iseas)**2 30 continue sumrgh=sumrgh+sumr**2-sumr2 do 50 i=1,j-1 ! This requires zero-trip DO loops. c c Sum Kgh part. c sumy=0.0 sumy2=0.0 do 40 iseas=1,nseas yj=yjg(j,iseas) yi=yjg(i,iseas) if (yi.le.ycheck.or.yj.le.ycheck) go to 40 ! Skip missing values. s=sgn(yj-yi) sumy=sumy+s sumy2=sumy2+s**2 40 continue sumkgh=sumkgh+sumy**2-sumy2 50 continue 60 continue c c Add covariance to eq. 5. c sumsiggh=sumsiggh+(sumkgh+4.0*sumrgh-nyrs*sumngh)/3.0 if (sumsiggh.le.0.0) go to 400 z = sums / sqrt(sumsiggh) ! Approximately normal deviate. if (z.le.0.0) plevel = 2.0 * cdfn(z) if (z.gt.0.0) plevel = 2.0 * (1.0 - cdfn(z)) c ! p-level with correction. c results(3)=plevel c c Calculte the slope estimate. c index = index - 1 ! Adjust index to actual used. call vsrta(ydiff,index) ! Sort the difference vector. slope = (ydiff((index+1)/2) + ydiff((index+2)/2)) / 2.0 c ! The median is the slope. c results(4)=slope c c Pick up here on zero variance seasons since the seasons may c each be constant but not the same constant. c 70 continue c c The trend line is the line with given slope going thru the c point (tmed,dmed) where c tmed is the median in time (x-axis) and c dmed is the median of the data (y-axis). tmed = nyrs / 2.0 ! Median vaule of time. IF(itype .GT. 2) tmed = (nyrs+1)/2 ! Regional test - annual data results(5)=tmed index = 0 ! Last used location in ydiff. do 80 i = 1 , nyrs*nseas if (y(i).le.ycheck) go to 80 ! Skip if missing. index = index + 1 ! Next location. ydiff(index) = y(i) ! Save good value. 80 continue call vsrta(ydiff,index) ! Sort the data. dmed = (ydiff((index+1)/2) + ydiff((index+2)/2)) / 2.0 results(6)=dmed IF (itype .GT. 2) GOTO 90 WRITE(*,1002)nyrs,results(6),results(5) 1002 FORMAT(' Number of water years =',i3// 2 ' Median Y =',g12.4,', median time =',g12.4/) return 90 WRITE(*,1003)nyrs,results(6),results(5) 1003 FORMAT(' Number of years =',i3// 2 ' Median Y =',g12.4,', median time =',g12.4/) return c debugging section. 400 write(*,1004) sumsiggh 1004 format(' Warning: In subroutine seaken, sumsiggh =',f15.2/ 2 ' See output file for Y array:') write(30,3001) y 3001 format(1x,12f10.1) plevel = 1.00 return end subroutine makeseas(yin,dectime,nobs,nseas,yout,nprds, 1 maxprds,base,itype,itap) c c Convert an irregularly spaced observation vector to a regularly c spaced one. c c Arguments: c yin is the input data vector containing the irregularly spaced c observations. Missing values should be indicated by -99999.0. c dectime is the input vector containing the time of observation c of the corresponding element of yin. Time should be given in years c and fractions of years (calendar years). A handy formula for this c is dectime = year + (day_of_year - 0.5) / 365. c Then dectime = 1985.01233 for 5 Jan 85. Use a denominator of 366 c in leap years. c nobs is the length (number of values) of yin and dectime. c nseas is the number of time periods (seasons) the water year is to be c divided into. A value of nseas = 12 gives seasons corresponding c approximately to months. If one uses c dectime = year + (month - 0.5) / 12, c the seasons will correspond exactly to months. c yout is the output vector containing one data value (or missing c value = -99999.0) per time period (season or month). The value c is the median of all values falling in that time period that were c in yin. yout(1) contains the value for time period 1 in the first c water year in which there is data and yout(nprds) contains the c value for the time period nseas of the last water year in which c there is data. c NOTE: for 50 complete calendar years of data (max 30000 observations) c yout, on a water year basis, will have a maximum of 30600 values. c nprds is the output number of values - one per time period - created c in yout. nprds will be a multiple of nseas. c maxprds is the input value giving the maximum value that nprds c may be assigned. c base is the base year (zero time) used in determining the intercept c of the Kendall-Thiell line. c itype is the analysis type (1 through 4). c c Limitations: c The values in yin & dectime must be in chronological order. c There may be no more than 400 non-missing values in any time period. c There must be data in at least two different water years. c c Subprogram called: c vsrta to sort a vector (IMSL). c vsrtx to sort 2 arrays (modified from IMSL). c c Code history: c 31 May 85 JRSlack: Initial coding. c 22 Sep 88 JRSlack: Update IMSL sort routine calls. c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack: Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c 10 may 99 DKMueller & DRHelsel: Added data sorting. c 14 aug 05 DKMueller: Revised to calendar year for type 3 analyses. c 18 Aug 09 DKMueller: Added option for calendar year output for types 1 & 2 c (specified by "itap"). c real yin(nobs),dectime(nobs),yout(*) real hold(400) real ymiss/-99999.0/,ycheck/-99998.0/ ! Missing value indicator & check. integer wyfirst,wylast c Sort the data into chronological order call vsrtx(dectime,yin,nobs) c c Check extent of data. c if (itype .gt. 2) GOTO 10 if (itap .gt. 0) GOTO 10 wyfirst = dectime(1) + 0.25 ! Water year of first obsevation. base = wyfirst - 0.25 ! Beginning of first water year. wylast = dectime(nobs) + 0.25 ! Water year of last observation. GOTO 15 10 wyfirst = dectime(1) ! Calendar year of first obsevation. base = wyfirst ! Beginning of first calendar year. wylast = dectime(nobs) ! Calendar year of last observation. 15 if (wyfirst.eq.wylast) then WRITE(*,1001) 1001 FORMAT(' Less than 2 years of data passed to subroutine', 1 ' makeseas.') stop endif nprds = (wylast - wyfirst + 1) * nseas ! Number of time periods. if (nprds.gt.maxprds) then WRITE(*,1002) 1002 format (' Data passed to subroutine makeseas would'/ 1 ' require more time periods than allowed.') stop endif c c Clear output array to missing values. c do 20 iprd = 1 , nprds yout(iprd) = ymiss 20 continue c c Process first non-missing value. c do 30 iobs = 1 , nobs if (yin(iobs).gt.ycheck) go to 40 ! Find first non-missing value. 30 continue WRITE(*,1003) 1003 FORMAT(' Warning: Data vector given to makeseas was all', 1 ' missing values.') return c 40 continue ifirst = iobs ! First observation found. iprd = (dectime(iobs) - base) * nseas + 1 ! Time period of occurence. ihold = 1 ! First location in array. hold(ihold) = yin(iobs) ! Save first non-missing value. c c Process rest of values. c do 50 iobs = ifirst+1 , nobs ! Look at the rest of the data. if (yin(iobs).le.ycheck) go to 50 ! Skip missing values. jprd = (dectime(iobs) - base) * nseas + 1 ! Time period. c c Previous time period. c if (jprd.gt.iprd) then ! New time period encountered. call vsrta(hold,ihold) ! Sort values of previous period. yout(iprd) = (hold((ihold+1)/2) + hold((ihold+2)/2)) / 2.0 ! Save median. iprd = jprd ! Reset period indicator. ihold = 0 ! Reset counter. endif ! Done previous period. c c Present time period. c ihold = ihold + 1 ! Increment counter. if (ihold.gt.400) then WRITE(*,1004) 1004 FORMAT(' More than 400 observations in one time', 1 ' period given to subroutine makeseas.') stop endif hold(ihold) = yin(iobs) ! Save this value. 50 continue call vsrta(hold,ihold) ! Sort values of last time period. yout(iprd) = (hold((ihold+1)/2) + hold((ihold+2)/2)) / 2.0 ! Save median. if (itype .gt. 2) goto 70 if (itap .gt. 0) GOTO 60 WRITE(*,1005)wyfirst,wylast,nseas,nprds,base 1005 FORMAT(' Data array created: First complete water year =',i5,/ 2 ' Last complete water year = ',i5/ 3 ' Number of seasons =',i4/ 4 ' Size of data array (nprds) =',i6/ 5 ' Base decimal year for trend equation =',f8.2) return 60 WRITE(*,1006)wyfirst,wylast,nseas,nprds,base 1006 FORMAT(' Data array created: First complete calendar year =',i5,/ 2 ' Last complete calendar year = ',i5/ 3 ' Number of seasons =',i4/ 4 ' Size of data array (nprds) =',i6/ 5 ' Base decimal year for trend equation =',f8.2) return 70 WRITE(*,1007)wyfirst,wylast,nseas,nprds 1007 FORMAT(' Data array created: First year =',i5,', Last year = ',i5/ 2 ' Number of locations =',i4/ 3 ' Size of data array (nprds) =',i6) return ! All done. end ! Go home. subroutine seakenrp(itype,lws,itap,title,n,nseas,base,f,results) c c This subroutine prints out a variety of results c from the seaken program onto a file. c c Code history: c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack: Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c 21 Apr 99 DKMueller & DRHelsel: Output simplified. c 14 Aug 05 DKMueller & DRHelsel: Regional test output added, output modified for all types. c 18 Aug 09 DKMueller: Added option for calendar year output for types 1 & 2 c (specified by "itap"). c real results(8), intcept INTEGER wyfirst, firstyr, lastyr CHARACTER*60 title if (itype .gt. 3) GOTO 15 if (itype .gt. 2) GOTO 10 WRITE(30,1001) 1001 FORMAT(' Seasonal Kendall Test for Trend'/ 2 ' US Geological Survey, 2009'/) GOTO 20 10 WRITE(30,1002) 1002 FORMAT(' Regional Kendall Test for Trend'/ 2 ' US Geological Survey, 2009'/) GOTO 20 15 WRITE(30,1003) 1003 FORMAT(" Kendall's tau Correlation Test"/ 2 ' US Geological Survey, 2009'/) 20 continue write (30,3001) title 3001 format (' Data set: ',a60,/) if (itype .gt. 3) GOTO 23 if (itype .gt. 2) GOTO 22 if (itap .gt. 0) GOTO 21 ! Types 1 and 2 wyfirst = base + 0.25 write(30,3002) n/nseas, nseas, wyfirst 3002 format(' The record is',i3,' complete water years with ',i3, 2 ' seasons per year'/ 2 ' beginning in water year',i5,'.'/) GOTO 23 21 wyfirst = base write(30,3003) n/nseas, nseas, wyfirst 3003 format(' The record is',i3,' complete calendar years with ',i3, 2 ' seasons per year'/ 2 ' beginning in calendar year',i5,'.'/) GOTO 23 22 write (30,3004) n/nseas, nseas, base ! Type 3 3004 format(' The record is',i3,' years at ',i3,' locations'/ 2 ' beginning in year ',f6.0/) 23 continue ! All types - correlation if (lws .gt.0) write (30,3005) f 3005 FORMAT(' Flow-adjusted concentrations were calculated as'/ 2 ' residuals from a LOWESS smooth line (f = ',f5.2,')'/ 3 ' for concentration vs. streamflow'/) write(30,3006) results(1),results(7),results(8),results(2) 3006 format(' The tau correlation coefficient is',f7.3/ 2 ' S =',f8.0/ 3 ' z =',f8.3/ 4 ' p =',f8.4) if (itype .gt. 3) GOTO 35 if (itype .gt. 2) GOTO 34 if (lws .gt. 0) GOTO 31 intcept = results(6) - (results(4) * results(5)) write(30,3007) results(3),intcept,results(4),base 3007 format(' p =',f8.4,' adjusted for correlation among seasons'/ 2 ' (such as serial dependence)'/ 3 ' The adjusted p-value should be used only for data with'/ 4 ' more than 10 annual values per season.'// 5 ' The estimated trend may be described by the equation:'// 6 ' Y =',g12.4,' + ',g12.4,' * Time'// 7 ' where Time = Year (as a decimal) -',f8.2) GOTO 32 31 write(30,3008) results(3),intcept,results(4),base 3008 format(' p =',f8.4,' adjusted for correlation among seasons'/ 2 ' (such as serial dependence)'/ 3 ' The adjusted p-value should be used only for data with'/ 4 ' more than 10 annual values per season.'// 5 ' The estimated trend may be described by the equation:'// 6 ' Residual =',g12.4,' + ',g12.4,' * Time'// 7 ' where Time = Year (as a decimal) -',f8.2) 32 if (itap .gt. 0) GOTO 33 WRITE(30,3009) 3009 FORMAT(38x,'(beginning of first water year)') GOTO 40 33 WRITE(30,3010) 3010 FORMAT(38x,'(beginning of first calendar year)') GOTO 40 34 firstyr = base lastyr = firstyr + (n/nseas) - 1 write(30,3011) firstyr,lastyr,results(4) 3011 format(1x/' The estimated median trend throughout the region'/ 2 ' during years',I5,' through',I5,' is:'// 3 ' Change in Y =',g12.4,' per year.') GOTO 40 35 intcept = results(6) - (results(4) * results(5)) if (lws .gt. 0) GOTO 36 write(30,3012) intcept,results(4) 3012 format(1x/' The relation may be described by the equation:'// 2 ' Y =',g12.5,' + ',g12.4,' * X') GOTO 40 36 continue write(30,3013) intcept,results(4) 3013 format(1x/' The relation may be described by the equation:'// 2 ' Residual =',g12.5,' + ',g12.4,' * X') 40 return end subroutine kens(x,y,n,s,var,ncomp,ydiff) c c Computes Kendall's S statistic and other information for c Kendall's tau test for trend. Sample usage of this c routine may be seen in routine kentau. c c Arguments: c x is the vector or years (or other observations). c y is the vector of correlated observations c (missing values = -99999.0). c n is the number of observations in y (maximum = 250). c s is returned as Kendall's S statistic. c var is returned as the variance of S adjusted for ties. c ncomp is returned as the number of comparisons made in c computing S. c ydiff is returned as a one-dimensional array containing the values of each c comparison adjusted for the X distance apart. The maximum dimension c needed is based on the maximum number of years (50) plus 1 and the maximum c number of seasons or locations (600). The number of comparisons for c each season (location) is (51*(51-1))/2 = 1275. The total number of c comparisons for all seasons (locations) is then 600*1275 = 765000. c (Note: this dimension is large enough for 553 data pairs using c analysis type 4 - simple Kendal correlation.) c c Reference: c Rank Correlation Methods, M.G.Kendall, Charles Griffin, c London, 1975 c c Subprograms called: c None. c c Code history: c 28 May 85 JRSlack: Initial coding. c 20 Sep 88 JRSlack: Clarify the calculation of a tie. c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack: Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c 28 Apr 99 DRHelsel & DKMueller: Converted for variable X spacing. c 12 Aug 05 DRHelsel & DKMueller: Changed maximum n to 500. c real x(n),y(n),ydiff(765000) logical wastie(500) ! Was a value previously in a tie? real ycheck/-99998.0/ ! Check for missimg values against this. if (n.gt.500) stop ' Subroutine kens called with n > 500.' ncomp = 0 ! Set number of comparisons to zero. if(n.gt.1) go to 10 c c Case of n <= 1. c s = 0.0 ! Nil S. var = 0.0 ! Nil variance. return c c Case of n > 1. c 10 nplus = 0 ! Number of up ticks. nminus = 0 ! Number of down ticks. fixvar = 0.0 ! Variance correction for ties. c do 20 i = 1, n wastie(i) = .false. ! Clear wastie array. 20 continue c do 50 istart = 1, n-1 ! Pick an observation. if (y(istart).le.ycheck) go to 50 ! Skip missing values. ntie=1 ! A value is always tied with itself. c do 40 iend = istart+1, n ! Test each later observation. if (y(iend).le.ycheck) go to 40 ! Skip missing values. c c Valid pair. Compare them. ncomp = ncomp + 1 ! Note comparison. c c Y values at tied X's are considered ties. if (x(iend) .gt. x(istart)) GOTO 30 yy = 0.0 ntie = ntie + 1 wastie(iend) = .true. ydiff(ncomp) = 0.0 GOTO 40 c c Explanation of the 20 Sep 88 change: c Any of the y values may be a calculated (rather than read in) value; c e.g., (0.1+0.7)/2.0. Such a calculated value may not be stored c internally the same as its indicated value (0.4) read directly in. c So the arithmetic may not determine a tie when there is one. The IF c statement below takes care of this. Specifically, a tie is declared c if two numbers differ by less than 1.0E-5 (10 to the minus 5th) times c their average. 30 yy = y(iend) - y(istart) ! Calculte the difference. ave = (y(iend) + y(istart)) / 2.0 ! Calculate the average. if (yy.ne.0.0 .and. ave.ne.0.0) then ! Find non-zero values. if (abs(yy/ave) .lt. 1.0e-5) yy = 0.0 ! Spurious difference. endif yy = yy / (x(iend) - x(istart)) ! Adjust for separation in X. c if (yy.gt.0.0) nplus = nplus + 1 ! Up tick. if (yy.lt.0.0) nminus = nminus + 1 ! Down tick. if (yy.eq.0.0) ntie = ntie + 1 ! Tie. if (yy.eq.0.0) wastie(iend) = .true. ! Mark ties. ydiff(ncomp) = yy ! Save differences. 40 continue c c Update variance correction if tie occured and tie was not counted c before. c if (ntie.ne.1.and..not.wastie(istart)) fixvar = fixvar + 1 ntie * (ntie-1.0) * (2.0*ntie+5.0) / 18.0 50 continue c c Compute the variance of the test statistic S. c nok = (1.0 + sqrt(1.0+8.0*ncomp)) / 2.0 ! Number of actual values. var = nok * (nok-1.0) * (2.0*nok+5.0) / 18.0 ! Simple variance. var = var - fixvar ! Adjust for ties. c c Compute the test statistic S. c s = nplus - nminus return end subroutine rank(y,r,n) c c Computes the ranks of the values in vector y. c y is not re-arranged on return. c In cases of ties, mid-ranks are used. c Missing values are assigned overall mid-rank. c c Code history: c 22 Sep 88 JRSlack Update IMSL sort routine calls. c 23 Sep 88 JRSlack Skip sort & adjustment if all missing values. c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c real y(n), r(n), z(500) real ycheck/-99998.0/ integer ord(500) if (n.gt.500) stop ' Subroutine rank: n greater than 500.' c c Initialize ord and z. c m = 0 do 10 i = 1 , n if (y(i).le.ycheck) go to 10 m = m + 1 ord(m) = i z(m) = y(i) 10 continue c c Rearrange z in ascending order. c if (m.ne.0) call vsrtr(z,m,ord) ! Don't sort if all missing-23Sep88 c c Assign overall mid-rank to all c to take care of missing values. c Rank is 1/2 if all missing values - 23 Sep 88. c if (m.eq.n) go to 30 rm = (m + 1) / 2.0 do 20 i = 1 , n r(i) = rm 20 continue if (m.eq.0) return ! Done if all missing values - 23 Sep 88. 30 continue c c Initial ranking. c do 40 i = 1 , m r(ord(i)) = i 40 continue c c Adjust ranks for ties. c i = 1 c c Value always tied with itself. c iend = i 50 iend = iend + 1 if (iend.le.m.and.z(iend).eq.z(i)) go to 50 c c Compute average rank. c ave = (iend*(iend-1) - i*(i-1)) / (2.0*(iend-i)) do 60 j = i , iend-1 r(ord(j)) = ave 60 continue i = iend if (i.lt.m) go to 50 return end function cdfn(y) c cumulative distribution function for the c ' ' ' c normal zero-one distribution. c ' c Primary reference is: Abramowitz & Stegun, c NBS Handbook of Mathematical Functions, equation 26.2.19 c c Code history: c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c if (y) 10,20,30 c c Negative argument. c 10 continue if (y.lt.-6.0) go to 40 t=-y cdfn= 0.5/(1.0+0.0498673470*t+0.0211410061*t**2 1 +0.0032776263*t**3+0.380036e-4*t**4+0.488906e-4*t**5 1 +0.53830e-5*t**6)**16 return c c Zero argument. c 20 continue cdfn=0.5 return c c Positive argument. c 30 continue if (y.gt.6.0) go to 50 cdfn=1.0-0.5/(1.0+0.0498673470*y+0.0211410061*y**2 1 +0.0032776263*y**3+0.380036e-4*y**4+0.488906e-4*y**5 1 +0.53830e-5*y**6)**16 return c c Outside the range +-6 the approximation is useless. c 40 continue cdfn=0.0 return 50 continue cdfn=1.0 return end function sgn(y) c c Computes the sign of the argument. c c Code history: c 28 Oct 88 JRSlack Converted to Lahey F77L Version 3.00. c sgn=1.0 if (y.eq.0.0) sgn=0.0 if (y.lt.0.0) sgn=-1.0 return end subroutine kentau(x,y,n,results) c c Computes Kendall's tau, the associated p-level, and the c slope of the trend line. c c Arguments: c x is a vector sorted in ascending order. c y is the vector of values for which tau and the slope will be c computed. c n is the number of observations in x and y (maximum = 250). c results is the output vector containing c results(1) = Kendall's tau, c results(2) = p-level without serial correlation correction, c results(3) = not used in this subroutine c results(4) = slope estimate, c results(5) = median value of X, c results(6) = median value of Y, c results(7) = Kendall S (sum of pluses and minuses), and c results(8) = normal variate (z-value). c c Reference: c Rank Correlation Methods, M.G.Kendall, Charles Griffin, c London, 1975 c c Subprograms called: c kens to compute Kendall's tau. c cdfn to compute the cumulative Normal distribution function. c vsrta to sort a vector (IMSL, included in code). c vsrtx to sort 2 vectors (modified from IMSL). c c Code history: c 28 May 85 JRSlack: Initial coding. c 18 Dec 85 JRSlack: Slope calculation corrected. c 27 Apr 99 DRHelsel & DKMueller: Converted to general X vs. Y correlation. c real x(n),y(n),results(8) common /holddiff/ ydiff(765000) ! Hold the adjusted differences. c call kens(x,y,n,s,var,ncomp,ydiff) ! Get the basic statistics. c tau = s / ncomp ! Kendall's tau. results(7) = s results(1) = tau c if (s.gt.0.0) s = s - 1.0 ! Continuity correction. if (s.lt.0.0) s = s + 1.0 z = s / sqrt(var) ! Approximately Normal deviate. if (z.le.0.0) plevel = 2.0 * cdfn(z) ! Calculate the p-level. if (z.gt.0.0) plevel = 2.0 * (1.0 - cdfn(z)) results(8) = z results(2) = plevel c call vsrta(ydiff,ncomp) ! Sort the difference vector. c ! The median is the slope. slope = (ydiff((ncomp+1)/2) + ydiff((ncomp+2)/2)) / 2.0 results(4) = slope c call vsrtx(y,x,n) ! Sort Y, retain X pairing. ymed = (y((n+1)/2) + y((n+2)/2)) / 2.0 ! Compute median Y. call vsrtx(x,y,n) ! Sort X, retain Y pairing. xmed = (x((n+1)/2) + x((n+2)/2)) / 2.0 ! Compute median X. results(5) = xmed results(6) = ymed return end subroutine lowess(x,y,n,f,yhat) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension x(30000),y(30000),yhat(30000) dimension d(30000),e(30000),window(30000),r(30000),ex(30000), 2 r1(30000) if (f .le. 0.0) f=0.25 m=int(n*f+0.5) do 100 j=1,n do 50 i=1,n d(i)=abs(x(i)-x(j)) r1(i) = 1.0 50 continue call vsrta(d,n) window(j)=d(m) call rwlreg(x,y,n,window(j),r1,x(j),yhat(j)) 100 continue do 400 it=1,2 do 200 i=1,n e(i)=abs(y(i)-yhat(i)) ex(i)=e(i) 200 continue call vsrta(ex,n) s=rmed(ex,n) do 300 i=1,n r(i)=e(i)/(6.0*s) r(i)=1.0-r(i)**2 r(i)=max(0.d0,r(i)) r(i)=r(i)**2 300 continue do 350 j=1,n call rwlreg(x,y,n,window(j),r,x(j),yhat(j)) 350 continue 400 continue return end c c function rmed(xdum,n) c computes the median of xdum c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension xdum(30000) logical even i = ( n + 1 ) / 2 even = 2*i.eq.( n + 1 ) if (even) rmed = xdum(i) if (.not.even) rmed = ( xdum(i) + xdum(i + 1) ) / 2. return end c c SUBROUTINE RWLREG(X,Y,N,D,R,XX,YY) C C MODIFICATION OF CHECK FOR 10 OR MORE NON-ZERO WEIGHTS BY RHIRSCH 4JUNE1987 c C ROBUST WEIGHTED REGRESSION ,BISQUARE WEIGHTS BY DISTANCE ON X AXIS. C XX IS THE ESTIMATION POINT C YY IS THE ESTIMATES VALUE OF Y AT XX C DD IS THE HALF WIDTH OF THE WINDOW C R IS THE ROBUSTNESS WEIGHT, A BISQUARE WEIGHT OF RESIDUALS. C dimension X(30000),Y(30000),R(30000),W(30000) DD=D ddmax = abs(x(n) - x(1)) if (dd .eq.0.0) go to 400 1 NUM = 0 TOT = 0.0 DO 100 I=1,N F=ABS(X(I)-XX)/DD F=1.0-F**3 WEIGHT=max(0.d0,F) WEIGHT=WEIGHT**3 W(I)=WEIGHT*R(I) TOT=TOT+W(I) IF(W(I) .GT. 0.0) NUM=NUM+1 100 CONTINUE IF(NUM.GT.3) GO TO 150 C NOT ENOUGH POINTS INCLUDED - INCREASE WINDOW SIZE DD=1.28*DD if (DD .gt. ddmax) go to 300 write (*,1001) NUM, DD 1001 FORMAT(' Subroutine RWLREG: Num =',I8, 2 ' LOWESS window size increased to ',G12.4) GO TO 1 150 CONTINUE DO 200 I=1,N W(I)=W(I)/TOT 200 CONTINUE CALL WLSQ(X,Y,W,N,A,B) YY=A+B*XX RETURN 300 write (*,1002) 1002 format(' LOWESS window size exceeded X extent') stop 400 write (*,1003) 1003 FORMAT(' LOWESS window size = 0. Increase f.') stop END SUBROUTINE WLSQ(X,Y,W,N,A,B) C WEIGHTED LEAST SQUARES C THE WEIGHTS ,W , MUST SUM TO ONE dimension X(30000),Y(30000),W(30000) WXX=0.0 WX=0.0 WXY=0.0 WY=0.0 DO 10 I=1,N WW=DBLE(W(I)) XX=DBLE(X(I)) YY=DBLE(Y(I)) WXX=WXX+WW*XX*XX WX=WX+WW*XX WXY=WXY+WW*XX*YY WY=WY+WW*YY 10 CONTINUE B=(WXY-WY*WX)/(WXX-WX*WX) A=WY-B*WX RETURN END C IMSL ROUTINE NAME - VSRTA VSRA0010 C VSRA0020 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------VSRA0030 C VSRA0040 C COMPUTER - PRIM77/SINGLE VSRA0050 C VSRA0060 C LATEST REVISION - JANUARY 1, 1978 VSRA0070 C VSRA0080 C PURPOSE - SORTING OF ARRAYS BY ALGEBRAIC VALUE VSRA0090 C VSRA0100 C USAGE - CALL VSRTA (A,LA) VSRA0110 C VSRA0120 C ARGUMENTS A - ON INPUT, A CONTAINS THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. VSRA0130 C ON OUTPUT, A CONTAINS THE SORTED ARRAY. VSRA0140 C LA - INPUT VARIABLE CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF VSRA0150 C ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. VSRA0160 C VSRA0170 C PRECISION/HARDWARE - SINGLE/ALL VSRA0180 C VSRA0190 C REQD. IMSL ROUTINES - NONE REQUIRED VSRA0200 C VSRA0210 C NOTATION - INFORMATION ON SPECIAL NOTATION AND VSRA0220 C CONVENTIONS IS AVAILABLE IN THE MANUAL VSRA0230 C INTRODUCTION OR THROUGH IMSL ROUTINE UHELP VSRA0240 C VSRA0250 C COPYRIGHT - 1978 BY IMSL, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VSRA0260 C VSRA0270 C WARRANTY - IMSL WARRANTS ONLY THAT IMSL TESTING HAS BEEN VSRA0280 C APPLIED TO THIS CODE. NO OTHER WARRANTY, VSRA0290 C EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS APPLICABLE. VSRA0300 C VSRA0310 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------VSRA0320 C VSRA0330 SUBROUTINE VSRTA (A,LA) VSRA0340 C SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARGUMENTS VSRA0350 INTEGER LA VSRA0360 REAL A(LA) VSRA0370 C SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL VARIABLES VSRA0380 INTEGER IU(21),IL(21),I,M,J,K,IJ,L VSRA0390 REAL T,TT,R VSRA0400 C FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT VSRA0410 M=1 VSRA0420 I=1 VSRA0430 J=LA VSRA0440 R=.375 VSRA0450 IF (LA.LE.0) RETURN VSRA0460 10 IF (I .EQ. J) GO TO 55 VSRA0470 15 IF (R .GT. .5898437) GO TO 20 VSRA0480 R=R+3.90625E-2 VSRA0490 GO TO 25 VSRA0500 20 R=R-.21875 VSRA0510 25 K=I VSRA0520 C SELECT A CENTRAL ELEMENT OF THE VSRA0530 C ARRAY AND SAVE IT IN LOCATION T VSRA0540 IJ=I+(J-I)*R VSRA0550 T=A(IJ) VSRA0560 C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER VSRA0570 C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH T VSRA0580 IF (A(I) .LE. T) GO TO 30 VSRA0590 A(IJ)=A(I) VSRA0600 A(I)=T VSRA0610 T=A(IJ) VSRA0620 30 L=J VSRA0630 C IF LAST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS LESS THANVSRA0640 C T, INTERCHANGE WITH T VSRA0650 IF (A(J) .GE. T) GO TO 40 VSRA0660 A(IJ)=A(J) VSRA0670 A(J)=T VSRA0680 T=A(IJ) VSRA0690 C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER VSRA0700 C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH T VSRA0710 IF (A(I) .LE. T) GO TO 40 VSRA0720 A(IJ)=A(I) VSRA0730 A(I)=T VSRA0740 T=A(IJ) VSRA0750 GO TO 40 VSRA0760 35 IF(A(L).EQ.A(K)) GO TO 40 VSRA0770 TT=A(L) VSRA0780 A(L)=A(K) VSRA0790 A(K)=TT VSRA0800 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE SECOND HALF OFVSRA0810 C THE ARRAY WHICH IS SMALLER THAN T VSRA0820 40 L=L-1 VSRA0830 IF (A(L) .GT. T) GO TO 40 VSRA0840 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE FIRST HALF OF VSRA0850 C THE ARRAY WHICH IS GREATER THAN T VSRA0860 45 K=K+1 VSRA0870 IF (A(K) .LT. T) GO TO 45 VSRA0880 C INTERCHANGE THESE ELEMENTS VSRA0890 IF (K .LE. L) GO TO 35 VSRA0900 C SAVE UPPER AND LOWER SUBSCRIPTS OF VSRA0910 C THE ARRAY YET TO BE SORTED VSRA0920 IF (L-I .LE. J-K) GO TO 50 VSRA0930 IL(M)=I VSRA0940 IU(M)=L VSRA0950 I=K VSRA0960 M=M+1 VSRA0970 GO TO 60 VSRA0980 50 IL(M)=K VSRA0990 IU(M)=J VSRA1000 J=L VSRA1010 M=M+1 VSRA1020 GO TO 60 VSRA1030 C BEGIN AGAIN ON ANOTHER PORTION OF VSRA1040 C THE UNSORTED ARRAY VSRA1050 55 M=M-1 VSRA1060 IF (M .EQ. 0) RETURN VSRA1070 I=IL(M) VSRA1080 J=IU(M) VSRA1090 60 IF (J-I .GE. 11) GO TO 25 VSRA1100 IF (I .EQ. 1) GO TO 10 VSRA1110 I=I-1 VSRA1120 65 I=I+1 VSRA1130 IF (I .EQ. J) GO TO 55 VSRA1140 T=A(I+1) VSRA1150 IF (A(I) .LE. T) GO TO 65 VSRA1160 K=I VSRA1170 70 A(K+1)=A(K) VSRA1180 K=K-1 VSRA1190 IF (T .LT. A(K)) GO TO 70 VSRA1200 A(K+1)=T VSRA1210 GO TO 65 VSRA1220 END VSRA1230 C IMSL ROUTINE NAME - VSRTR VSRR0010 C VSRR0020 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------VSRR0030 C VSRR0040 C COMPUTER - PRIM77/SINGLE VSRR0050 C VSRR0060 C LATEST REVISION - JANUARY 1, 1978 VSRR0070 C VSRR0080 C PURPOSE - SORTING OF ARRAYS BY ALGEBRAIC VALUE - VSRR0090 C PERMUTATIONS RETURNED VSRR0100 C VSRR0110 C USAGE - CALL VSRTR (A,LA,IR) VSRR0120 C VSRR0130 C ARGUMENTS A - ON INPUT, A CONTAINS THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. VSRR0140 C ON OUTPUT, A CONTAINS THE SORTED ARRAY. VSRR0150 C LA - INPUT VARIABLE CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF VSRR0160 C ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. VSRR0170 C IR - VECTOR OF LENGTH LA. VSRR0180 C ON INPUT, IR CONTAINS THE INTEGER VALUES VSRR0190 C 1,2,...,LA. SEE REMARKS. VSRR0200 C ON OUTPUT, IR CONTAINS A RECORD OF THE VSRR0210 C PERMUTATIONS MADE ON THE VECTOR A. VSRR0220 C VSRR0230 C PRECISION/HARDWARE - SINGLE/ALL VSRR0240 C VSRR0250 C REQD. IMSL ROUTINES - NONE REQUIRED VSRR0260 C VSRR0270 C NOTATION - INFORMATION ON SPECIAL NOTATION AND VSRR0280 C CONVENTIONS IS AVAILABLE IN THE MANUAL VSRR0290 C INTRODUCTION OR THROUGH IMSL ROUTINE UHELP VSRR0300 C VSRR0310 C REMARKS THE VECTOR IR MUST BE INITIALIZED BEFORE ENTERING VSRR0320 C VSRTR. ORDINARILY, IR(1)=1, IR(2)=2, ..., VSRR0330 C IR(LA)=LA. FOR WIDER APPLICABILITY, ANY INTEGER VSRR0340 C THAT IS TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH A(I) FOR I=1,2,...,LA VSRR0350 C MAY BE ENTERED INTO IR(I). VSRR0360 C VSRR0370 C COPYRIGHT - 1978 BY IMSL, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VSRR0380 C VSRR0390 C WARRANTY - IMSL WARRANTS ONLY THAT IMSL TESTING HAS BEEN VSRR0400 C APPLIED TO THIS CODE. NO OTHER WARRANTY, VSRR0410 C EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS APPLICABLE. VSRR0420 C VSRR0430 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------VSRR0440 C VSRR0450 SUBROUTINE VSRTR (A,LA,IR) VSRR0460 C SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARGUMENTS VSRR0470 INTEGER LA,IR(LA) VSRR0480 REAL A(LA) VSRR0490 C SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL VARIABLES VSRR0500 INTEGER IU(21),IL(21),I,M,J,K,IJ,IT,L,ITT VSRR0510 REAL T,TT,R VSRR0520 C FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT VSRR0530 IF (LA.LE.0) RETURN VSRR0540 M = 1 VSRR0550 I = 1 VSRR0560 J = LA VSRR0570 R = .375 VSRR0580 5 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 VSRR0590 IF (R.GT..5898437) GO TO 10 VSRR0600 R = R+3.90625E-2 VSRR0610 GO TO 15 VSRR0620 10 R = R-.21875 VSRR0630 15 K = I VSRR0640 C SELECT A CENTRAL ELEMENT OF THE VSRR0650 C ARRAY AND SAVE IT IN LOCATION T VSRR0660 IJ = I+(J-I)*R VSRR0670 T = A(IJ) VSRR0680 IT = IR(IJ) VSRR0690 C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER VSRR0700 C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH T VSRR0710 IF (A(I).LE.T) GO TO 20 VSRR0720 A(IJ) = A(I) VSRR0730 A(I) = T VSRR0740 T = A(IJ) VSRR0750 IR(IJ) = IR(I) VSRR0760 IR(I) = IT VSRR0770 IT = IR(IJ) VSRR0780 20 L = J VSRR0790 C IF LAST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS LESS THANVSRR0800 C T, INTERCHANGE WITH T VSRR0810 IF (A(J).GE.T) GO TO 30 VSRR0820 A(IJ) = A(J) VSRR0830 A(J) = T VSRR0840 T = A(IJ) VSRR0850 IR(IJ) = IR(J) VSRR0860 IR(J) = IT VSRR0870 IT = IR(IJ) VSRR0880 C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER VSRR0890 C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH T VSRR0900 IF (A(I).LE.T) GO TO 30 VSRR0910 A(IJ) = A(I) VSRR0920 A(I) = T VSRR0930 T = A(IJ) VSRR0940 IR(IJ) = IR(I) VSRR0950 IR(I) = IT VSRR0960 IT = IR(IJ) VSRR0970 GO TO 30 VSRR0980 25 IF (A(L).EQ.A(K)) GO TO 30 VSRR0990 TT = A(L) VSRR1000 A(L) = A(K) VSRR1010 A(K) = TT VSRR1020 ITT = IR(L) VSRR1030 IR(L) = IR(K) VSRR1040 IR(K) = ITT VSRR1050 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE SECOND HALF OFVSRR1060 C THE ARRAY WHICH IS SMALLER THAN T VSRR1070 30 L = L-1 VSRR1080 IF (A(L).GT.T) GO TO 30 VSRR1090 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE FIRST HALF OF VSRR1100 C THE ARRAY WHICH IS GREATER THAN T VSRR1110 35 K = K+1 VSRR1120 IF (A(K).LT.T) GO TO 35 VSRR1130 C INTERCHANGE THESE ELEMENTS VSRR1140 IF (K.LE.L) GO TO 25 VSRR1150 C SAVE UPPER AND LOWER SUBSCRIPTS OF VSRR1160 C THE ARRAY YET TO BE SORTED VSRR1170 IF (L-I.LE.J-K) GO TO 40 VSRR1180 IL(M) = I VSRR1190 IU(M) = L VSRR1200 I = K VSRR1210 M = M+1 VSRR1220 GO TO 50 VSRR1230 40 IL(M) = K VSRR1240 IU(M) = J VSRR1250 J = L VSRR1260 M = M+1 VSRR1270 GO TO 50 VSRR1280 C BEGIN AGAIN ON ANOTHER PORTION OF VSRR1290 C THE UNSORTED ARRAY VSRR1300 45 M = M-1 VSRR1310 IF (M.EQ.0) RETURN VSRR1320 I = IL(M) VSRR1330 J = IU(M) VSRR1340 50 IF (J-I.GE.11) GO TO 15 VSRR1350 IF (I.EQ.1) GO TO 5 VSRR1360 I = I-1 VSRR1370 55 I = I+1 VSRR1380 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 VSRR1390 T = A(I+1) VSRR1400 IT = IR(I+1) VSRR1410 IF (A(I).LE.T) GO TO 55 VSRR1420 K = I VSRR1430 60 A(K+1) = A(K) VSRR1440 IR(K+1) = IR(K) VSRR1450 K = K-1 VSRR1460 IF (T.LT.A(K)) GO TO 60 VSRR1470 A(K+1) = T VSRR1480 IR(K+1) = IT VSRR1490 GO TO 55 VSRR1500 END VSRR1510 SUBROUTINE VSRTX (X,Y,LA) C Modified from IMSL subroutine VSRTR C C ARGUMENTS X - ON INPUT, X CONTAINS THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. C ON OUTPUT, X CONTAINS THE SORTED ARRAY. C Y - VECTOR Containing values paired with values in X. C Pairing is maintained after X is sorted. C LA - INPUT VARIABLE CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF C ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. C C SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARGUMENTS INTEGER LA REAL X(LA), Y(LA) C SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER IU(21),IL(21),I,M,J,K,IJ,L REAL XT,XTT,YT,YTT,R C FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT IF (LA.LE.0) RETURN M = 1 I = 1 J = LA R = .375 5 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 IF (R.GT..5898437) GO TO 10 R = R+3.90625E-2 GO TO 15 10 R = R-.21875 15 K = I C SELECT A CENTRAL ELEMENT OF THE C ARRAY AND SAVE IT IN LOCATION XT IJ = I+(J-I)*R XT = X(IJ) YT = Y(IJ) C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 20 X(IJ) = X(I) X(I) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(I) Y(I) = YT YT = Y(IJ) 20 L = J C IF LAST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS LESS THAN C T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(J).GE.XT) GO TO 30 X(IJ) = X(J) X(J) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(J) Y(J) = YT YT = Y(IJ) C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 30 X(IJ) = X(I) X(I) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(I) Y(I) = YT YT = Y(IJ) GO TO 30 25 IF (X(L).EQ.X(K)) GO TO 30 XTT = X(L) X(L) = X(K) X(K) = XTT YTT = Y(L) Y(L) = Y(K) Y(K) = YTT C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE SECOND HALF OF C THE ARRAY WHICH IS SMALLER THAN XT 30 L = L-1 IF (X(L).GT.XT) GO TO 30 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE FIRST HALF OF C THE ARRAY WHICH IS GREATER THAN XT 35 K = K+1 IF (X(K).LT.XT) GO TO 35 C INTERCHANGE THESE ELEMENTS IF (K.LE.L) GO TO 25 C SAVE UPPER AND LOWER SUBSCRIPTS OF C THE ARRAY YET TO BE SORTED IF (L-I.LE.J-K) GO TO 40 IL(M) = I IU(M) = L I = K M = M+1 GO TO 50 40 IL(M) = K IU(M) = J J = L M = M+1 GO TO 50 C BEGIN AGAIN ON ANOTHER PORTION OF C THE UNSORTED ARRAY 45 M = M-1 IF (M.EQ.0) RETURN I = IL(M) J = IU(M) 50 IF (J-I.GE.11) GO TO 15 IF (I.EQ.1) GO TO 5 I = I-1 55 I = I+1 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 XT = X(I+1) YT = Y(I+1) IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 55 K = I 60 X(K+1) = X(K) Y(K+1) = Y(K) K = K-1 IF (XT.LT.X(K)) GO TO 60 X(K+1) = XT Y(K+1) = YT GO TO 55 END SUBROUTINE VSRT3 (X,Y,Z,LA) C Modified from IMSL subroutine VSRTR C C ARGUMENTS X - ON INPUT, X CONTAINS THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. C ON OUTPUT, X CONTAINS THE SORTED ARRAY. C Y & Z - Array containing values paired with values in X. C Pairing is maintained after X is sorted. C LA - INPUT VARIABLE CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF C ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. C C SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARGUMENTS INTEGER LA REAL X(LA), Y(LA), Z(LA) C SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER IU(21),IL(21),I,M,J,K,IJ,L REAL XT,XTT,YT,YTT,ZT,ZTT,R C FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT IF (LA.LE.0) RETURN M = 1 I = 1 J = LA R = .375 5 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 IF (R.GT..5898437) GO TO 10 R = R+3.90625E-2 GO TO 15 10 R = R-.21875 15 K = I C SELECT A CENTRAL ELEMENT OF THE C ARRAY AND SAVE IT IN LOCATION XT IJ = I+(J-I)*R XT = X(IJ) YT = Y(IJ) ZT = Z(IJ) C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 20 X(IJ) = X(I) X(I) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(I) Y(I) = YT YT = Y(IJ) Z(IJ) = Z(I) Z(I) = ZT ZT = Z(IJ) 20 L = J C IF LAST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS LESS THAN C T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(J).GE.XT) GO TO 30 X(IJ) = X(J) X(J) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(J) Y(J) = YT YT = Y(IJ) Z(IJ) = Z(J) Z(J) = ZT ZT = Z(IJ) C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 30 X(IJ) = X(I) X(I) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(I) Y(I) = YT YT = Y(IJ) Z(IJ) = Z(I) Z(I) = ZT ZT = Z(IJ) GO TO 30 25 IF (X(L).EQ.X(K)) GO TO 30 XTT = X(L) X(L) = X(K) X(K) = XTT YTT = Y(L) Y(L) = Y(K) Y(K) = YTT ZTT = Z(L) Z(L) = Z(K) Z(K) = ZTT C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE SECOND HALF OF C THE ARRAY WHICH IS SMALLER THAN XT 30 L = L-1 IF (X(L).GT.XT) GO TO 30 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE FIRST HALF OF C THE ARRAY WHICH IS GREATER THAN XT 35 K = K+1 IF (X(K).LT.XT) GO TO 35 C INTERCHANGE THESE ELEMENTS IF (K.LE.L) GO TO 25 C SAVE UPPER AND LOWER SUBSCRIPTS OF C THE ARRAY YET TO BE SORTED IF (L-I.LE.J-K) GO TO 40 IL(M) = I IU(M) = L I = K M = M+1 GO TO 50 40 IL(M) = K IU(M) = J J = L M = M+1 GO TO 50 C BEGIN AGAIN ON ANOTHER PORTION OF C THE UNSORTED ARRAY 45 M = M-1 IF (M.EQ.0) RETURN I = IL(M) J = IU(M) 50 IF (J-I.GE.11) GO TO 15 IF (I.EQ.1) GO TO 5 I = I-1 55 I = I+1 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 XT = X(I+1) YT = Y(I+1) ZT = Z(I+1) IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 55 K = I 60 X(K+1) = X(K) Y(K+1) = Y(K) Z(K+1) = Z(K) K = K-1 IF (XT.LT.X(K)) GO TO 60 X(K+1) = XT Y(K+1) = YT Z(K+1) = ZT GO TO 55 END SUBROUTINE VSRT5 (X,Y,Z,A,B,LA) C Modified from IMSL subroutine VSRTR C C ARGUMENTS X - ON INPUT, X CONTAINS THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. C ON OUTPUT, X CONTAINS THE SORTED ARRAY. C Y,Z,A&B - Arrays containing values paired with values in X. C Pairing is maintained after X is sorted. C LA - INPUT VARIABLE CONTAINING THE NUMBER OF C ELEMENTS IN THE ARRAY TO BE SORTED. C C SPECIFICATIONS FOR ARGUMENTS INTEGER LA REAL X(LA), Y(LA), Z(LA), A(LA), B(LA) C SPECIFICATIONS FOR LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER IU(21),IL(21),I,M,J,K,IJ,L REAL XT,XTT,YT,YTT,ZT,ZTT,AT,ATT,BT,BTT,R C FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT IF (LA.LE.0) RETURN M = 1 I = 1 J = LA R = .375 5 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 IF (R.GT..5898437) GO TO 10 R = R+3.90625E-2 GO TO 15 10 R = R-.21875 15 K = I C SELECT A CENTRAL ELEMENT OF THE C ARRAY AND SAVE IT IN LOCATION XT IJ = I+(J-I)*R XT = X(IJ) YT = Y(IJ) ZT = Z(IJ) AT = A(IJ) BT = B(IJ) C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 20 X(IJ) = X(I) X(I) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(I) Y(I) = YT YT = Y(IJ) Z(IJ) = Z(I) Z(I) = ZT ZT = Z(IJ) A(IJ) = A(I) A(I) = AT AT = A(IJ) B(IJ) = B(I) B(I) = BT BT = B(IJ) 20 L = J C IF LAST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS LESS THAN C T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(J).GE.XT) GO TO 30 X(IJ) = X(J) X(J) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(J) Y(J) = YT YT = Y(IJ) Z(IJ) = Z(J) Z(J) = ZT ZT = Z(IJ) A(IJ) = A(J) A(J) = AT AT = A(IJ) B(IJ) = B(J) B(J) = BT BT = B(IJ) C IF FIRST ELEMENT OF ARRAY IS GREATER C THAN T, INTERCHANGE WITH XT IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 30 X(IJ) = X(I) X(I) = XT XT = X(IJ) Y(IJ) = Y(I) Y(I) = YT YT = Y(IJ) Z(IJ) = Z(I) Z(I) = ZT ZT = Z(IJ) A(IJ) = A(I) A(I) = AT AT = A(IJ) B(IJ) = B(I) B(I) = BT BT = B(IJ) GO TO 30 25 IF (X(L).EQ.X(K)) GO TO 30 XTT = X(L) X(L) = X(K) X(K) = XTT YTT = Y(L) Y(L) = Y(K) Y(K) = YTT ZTT = Z(L) Z(L) = Z(K) Z(K) = ZTT ATT = A(L) A(L) = A(K) A(K) = ATT BTT = B(L) B(L) = B(K) B(K) = BTT C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE SECOND HALF OF C THE ARRAY WHICH IS SMALLER THAN XT 30 L = L-1 IF (X(L).GT.XT) GO TO 30 C FIND AN ELEMENT IN THE FIRST HALF OF C THE ARRAY WHICH IS GREATER THAN XT 35 K = K+1 IF (X(K).LT.XT) GO TO 35 C INTERCHANGE THESE ELEMENTS IF (K.LE.L) GO TO 25 C SAVE UPPER AND LOWER SUBSCRIPTS OF C THE ARRAY YET TO BE SORTED IF (L-I.LE.J-K) GO TO 40 IL(M) = I IU(M) = L I = K M = M+1 GO TO 50 40 IL(M) = K IU(M) = J J = L M = M+1 GO TO 50 C BEGIN AGAIN ON ANOTHER PORTION OF C THE UNSORTED ARRAY 45 M = M-1 IF (M.EQ.0) RETURN I = IL(M) J = IU(M) 50 IF (J-I.GE.11) GO TO 15 IF (I.EQ.1) GO TO 5 I = I-1 55 I = I+1 IF (I.EQ.J) GO TO 45 XT = X(I+1) YT = Y(I+1) ZT = Z(I+1) AT = A(I+1) BT = B(I+1) IF (X(I).LE.XT) GO TO 55 K = I 60 X(K+1) = X(K) Y(K+1) = Y(K) Z(K+1) = Z(K) A(K+1) = A(K) B(K+1) = B(K) K = K-1 IF (XT.LT.X(K)) GO TO 60 X(K+1) = XT Y(K+1) = YT Z(K+1) = ZT A(K+1) = AT B(K+1) = BT GO TO 55 END