Seasonal Kendall Test for Trend US Geological Survey, 2005 Data set: Example SKL2b - Seasonal Kendall with LOWESS, input type 2 The record is 14 complete water years with 12 seasons per year beginning in water year 1972. Flow-adjusted concentrations were calculated as residuals from a LOWESS smooth line (f = 0.50) for concentration vs. streamflow The tau correlation coefficient is -0.278 S = -189. z = -4.096 p = 0.0000 p = 0.0008 adjusted for correlation among seasons (such as serial dependence) The adjusted p-value should be used only for data with more than 10 annual values per season. The estimated trend may be described by the equation: Residual = 0.000 + -0.4935E-01 * Time where Time = Year (as a decimal) - 1971.75 (beginning of first water year)