Numerical Ground-Water Change Model of the C Aquifer and Effects of Ground-Water Withdrawals on Stream Depletion in Selected Reaches of Clear Creek, Chevelon Creek, and the Little Colorado River, Northeastern Arizona
By S.A. Leake, J.P. Hoffmann and Jesse E. Dickinson
Scientific Investigations Report 2005–5277, published 2005.
Figure 3
Estimated hydraulic conductivity values for the C aquifer, northeastern Arizona, compiled by Southwest Ground-water Consultants (2003), hydraulic conductivity zones, and contours of drawdown to conversion to unconfined conditions used in the change model.
Figure 3 - Estimated hydraulic conductivity values for the C aquifer, northeastern Arizona, compiled by Southwest Ground-water Consultants (2003), hydraulic conductivity zones, and contours of drawdown to conversion to unconfined conditions used in the change model.