Scientific Investigations Report 2005–5288

Scientific Investigations Report 2005–5288

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Appendix D. Adjusted stream and streambed temperatures at gaining sites, losing sites, and neutral sites, and periods used to determine the amplitude of stream and streambed temperature fluctuations, and time difference between peaks for selected sites, Carson Valley, Nevada and California.

Figure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text description

Figure D1. Adjusted stream and streambed temperatures at gaining sites, Carson Valley, Nevada and California.

Figure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text description

Figure D2. Adjusted stream and streambed temperatures at losing sites and periods used to determine the amplitude of stream and streambed temperature fluctuations, and time difference between peaks for selected sites, Carson Valley, Nevada and California.

Figure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text descriptionFigure - refer to figure caption for alternative text description

Figure D3. Adjusted stream and streambed temperatures at neutral sites, Carson Valley, Nevada and California.

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