Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5023

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5023

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Table 2. Boundary conditions for discharge scenarios for the Tanana River at Nenana, Alaska, simulated using one- and two-dimensional hydraulic models.

[Discharge scenario: Q100 (Nenana Low, High), calculated flood on Tanana River with return interval of 100 years and low, high discharge on Nenana River. Q500 (Nenana Low, High), calculated flood on Tanana River with return interval of 500 years and low, high discharge on Nenana River. Discharge, Tanana Slough: Discharge determined by one-dimensional model (HEC-RAS, Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System), two-dimensional model (RMA2, Resource Management Associates). Abbreviations: ft3/s, cubic foot per second; ft, foot]

Discharge scenario Boundary conditions
Discharge (ft3/s) Initial water- surface elevation at river station 0(ft)
Tanana River Nenana River   Tanana Slough
August 19, 1998 42,700 11,800 3,680 1,800 343.7
August 17, 1967 171,000 30,800 13,300 13,400 352.9
Q100 (Nenana Low) 162,000 12,000 11,600 11,500 351.6
(High) 162,000 69,000 13,200 18,400 354.0
Q500 (Nenana Low) 203,000 12,000 16,200 14,900 353.4
(High) 203,000 69,000 18,000 22,000 355.6

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