Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5023

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5023

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Table 3. Material types and associated roughness values for the Tanana River at Nenana, Alaska.

[Abbreviations: RMA2, Resource Management Associates; HEC-RAS, Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System; (lb/s)/ft2, pound per second per square foot; –, not applicable]

Material type description RMA2 roughness calibrated from discharge SMS eddy viscosity [(lb/s)/ft2] HEC-RAS roughness calibrated from discharge
Aug. 17, 1967 Aug. 19, 1998 Aug. 17, 1967 Aug. 19, 1998
Tanana River: main channel 0.023 0.015 100 0.0245 0.0245
Tanana River: slough .040 .022 45 .037 .037
Railroad yard .045 20 .045
Bridge abutment .045 20 .045
Tanana and Nenana Rivers: bank .045 20 .045
Nenana River: main channel .025 75 .026 .026
Logjam at mouth of slough .110 .016 45 .100 .100

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