Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5023

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5023

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Table 4. Values used to calibrate the two-dimensional hydraulic model for the Tanana River at Nenana, Alaska.

[Abbreviations: ft, foot; ft3/s, cubic foot per second]

Calibration parameter High flow,
Aug. 17, 1967
Low flow,
Aug. 19, 1998
Measured Modeled Measured Modeled
Water-surface elevation at streamflow-gaging station (ft) 1356.9 356.9 2346.5 346.2
Discharge through main channel (ft3/s) 158,000 158,000 38,400 41,200
Discharge through slough (ft3/s) 13,300 13,400 4,200 1,800

1Streamflow-gaging station 15515500 at 1967 location.

2Streamflow-gaging station 15515500 at 1998 location.

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