Publications—Scientific Investigation Report
As part of a multi-year project to infer the pre-mining ground-water
quality at Molycorp’s Questa mine site, surface-water samples of the
The year 2002 was one of the driest on record, and
Straight Creek drainage water was sampled periodically from 2001 to 2004
at the down stream end of surface drainage near the point at which it
disappeared into the debris fan. This water has a minimal range in pH (2.7 to
3.2) but a substantial concentration range in many solutes; for example, sulfate
concentrations varied from 525 to 2,660 mg/L. Many elements covary with sulfate
suggesting that dilution is the primary control of the range in solute
concentrations. A transect of water samples higher in the scar area were
collected in October of 2003. They had a lower range in pH (2.44 to 3.05) and
higher solute concentrations than those collected periodically from lower in the
catchment. Water isotopes for the upper transect samples indicated slight
evaporation, and in part, may account for the higher solute concentrations.
Drainage waters also were collected from Hottentot, Junebug, Hansen, Little
Hansen, and Goat Hill Gulch drainages. Most constituents from other scar
drainage waters showed ranges of concentration similar to those of the Straight
Creek waters. An exception was water collected from Goat Hill Gulch, which has
some of the highest concentrations of any surface-water sample collected but
also contained waste-rock leachates.
Purpose and Scope
Physical Description of the Study Area
Climate and Vegetation
Sampling Sites
Water-Chemistry Sampling
Laboratory Methods
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Water Chemistry
Red River Water Chemistry, 2000-2003
Red River Questa Ranger Station Gage Site Water Chemistry, 1965-2003
Red River Storm Events , 2001-2003
Red River Diel Variations, 2003
Summary of Red River Water Quality
Straight Creek Water Chemistry, 2001-2003
Rare Earth Elements
Stable Isotopes
Mineralogical Controls on Water Chemistry
Summary of Straight Creek Water Quality
Seeps and Tributaries, 2001-2004
Stable Isotopes
References Cited
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For more information on the investigation of baseline and pre-mining ground water quality, Red River Valley Basin, New Mexico, visit our website at:
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