Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5035
Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5035
[Equation variables are shown in bold]
Basin characteristic | Explanation |
AG | Pasture and hay; row crops; small grains; fallow; urban or recreational grasses |
A | Area of drainage basin |
Aluv | alluvial deposits |
Barren | Bare rock, sand, or clay; quarries, mines, or pits; transitional |
BS | Average slope of drainage basin |
DV | Residential, commercial, industrial, or transportation lands |
E | Mean drainage basin elevation |
F | Deciduous, evergreen, or mixed forest land |
Glacial | Glacial drift and ice |
Granite | Granitic rocks |
GT6000 | Percentage of drainage basin area above 6,000 ft |
HS Dec | Median Dec 21 hillshading |
HS June | Median June 21 hillshading |
Loess | Loess |
Met/Sed | Metamorphic or sedimentary rocks |
NF30 | Percentage of drainage basin area with north-facing slopes greater than 30 percent |
NF50 | Percentage of drainage basin area with north-facing slopes greater than 50 percent |
P | Combination precipitation based on Molnau (1995) and PRISM (Daly and Taylor, 1998) |
P2 | PRISM (Daly and Taylor, 1998) precipitation |
Perim | Perimeter drainage basin, in miles |
R | Relief of drainage basin |
S30 | Percentage of drainage basin area with slopes greater than 30 percent |
S 50 | Percentage of drainage basin area with slopes greater than 50 percent |
Sand | Dune sand |
Shdw Dec | Percentage of drainage basin area in shadow on Dec 21 |
Shdw June | Percentage of drainage basin area in shadow on June 21 |
Shrub | Shrubland |
Slope | Average slope of drainage basin, in percent |
Undefined | Unclassified lithology units |
Upland | Grasslands or herbaceous lands |
V | Volcanic rocks |
W | Open water or perennial ice and snow |
W(2) | Open water |
Wetland | Woody wetlands; emergent, herbaceous wetlands |
Woody | Orchards or vineyards |
For more information about USGS activities in Idaho, visit the USGS Idaho Water Science Center home page .