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Publications— Scientific Investigations Reports

In cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Evaluation of Geophysical Logs and Aquifer-Isolation Tests, Phase III, August 2002 to March 2004, Crossley Farm Superfund Site, Hereford Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania

U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5090

By Randall W. Conger and Dennis J. Low

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Between August 2002 and March 2004, geophysical logging was conducted in 23 boreholes at the Crossley Farm Superfund Site, Hereford Township, Berks County, Pa., to determine the water-producing zones, water-receiving zones, zones of vertical-borehole flow, and fracture orientation where applicable. The boreholes ranged in depth from 71 to 503 ft(feet) below land surface. The geophysical logging determined the placement of well screens and packers, which allow monitoring and sampling of water-bearing zones in the fractured bedrock so the horizontal and vertical distribution of contaminated ground water migrating from known sources could be determined. Geophysical logging included collection of caliper (22 boreholes), fluid-temperature (17 boreholes),single-point-resistance (17 boreholes), natural-gamma (17 boreholes), fluid-flow (18 boreholes), and acoustic-televiewer (13 boreholes) logs. Caliper and acoustic-televiewer logs were used to locate fractures, joints, and weathered zones. Inflections on fluid-temperature and single-point-resistance logs indicated possible water-bearing zones, and flowmeter measurements verified these locations. Single-point-resistance, natural-gamma, and geologist logs provided information on stratigraphy; the geologist log also provided information on the location of possible water-producing zones.

Borehole geophysical logging and heatpulse flowmetering indicated active flow in 10 boreholes. Seven of the boreholes are in ground-water discharge areas and three boreholes are in ground-water recharge areas. Heatpulse flowmetering, in conjunction with the geologist logs, indicates lithologic contacts (changes in lithology from a gneiss dominated by quartz-plagioclase-feldspar mineralogy to a gneiss dominated by hornblende mineralogy) are typically fractured, permeable, and effective transmitters of water.

Single-well, aquifer-isolation (packer) tests were performed on two boreholes. Packers were set at depths ranging from 210 to 465 ft below land surface to isolate water-bearing zones at discrete intervals. Placement and inflation of the packers provided information on hydraulic heads, specific capacities, the hydraulic connection between intervals, and depth-specific water-quality samples.

Upon completion of borehole geophysical logging and interpretation of geophysical logs, geologist logs, drillers notes, and packer work, 13 boreholes were reconstructed such that water levels could be monitored and water samples could be collected from discrete shallow, intermediate, and deep water-bearing fractures in each borehole. Boreholes BE-1672, BE-1674, BE-1676, and BE-1677 remained open-hole for sampling purposes. Boreholes RI-2, RI-3, and RI-4 remained open-hole for injection purposes. Boreholes P-1, P-2, and P-3 remained open and were converted to pumping wells.

Table of Contents

     Purpose and Scope
     Hydrogeologic Setting
Methods of Investigation
     Borehole Geophysical and Geologist Logs
     Aquifer-Isolation Tests
     Water-Quality Samples
     Well-Numbering System
Description of Borehole-Geophysical and Geologist Logs
     BE-1661 (TT27-I)
     BE-1662 (TT27-D1)
     BE-1663 (TT27-D2)
     BE-1664 (TT26-I)
     BE-1665 (TT26-D1)
     BE-1666 (TT26-D2)
     BE-1667 (TT25-I)
     BE-1668 (TT25-D1)
     BE-1669 (TT25-D2)
     BE-1670 (TT25-S)
     BE-1671 (TT24-I)
     BE-1672 (TT28-I)
     BE-1673 (TT29-I)
     BE-1674 (TT28-D)
     BE-1675 (TT31-I)
     BE-1676 (TT29-D)
     BE-1677 (TT30-D)
     BE-1678 (RI-2)
     BE-1679 (RI-3)
     BE-1680 (RI-4)
     BE-1681 (P-1)
     BE-1682 (P-2)
     BE-1683 (P-3)
Aquifer-Isolation Tests
     Borehole BE-1665 (TT26-D1)
          Interval 1 (158–222 feet below land surface)
          Interval 2 (210-235 feet below land surface)
          Interval 3 (235-260 feet below land surface)
          Interval 4 (260-302 feet below land surface)
     Borehole BE-1666 (TT26-D2)
          Interval 1 (400-425 feet below land surface)
          Interval 2 (440-476 feet below land surface)
     Water Quality
Summary and Conclusions
References Cited

This report is available online in Portable Document Format (PDF). If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader, it is available for free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated.

View the full report in PDF 12.8 MB

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