Review of Trace Element Blank and Replicate Data Collected in Ground and Surface Water for the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 1991–2002
By Lori E. Apodaca1, David K. Mueller2 and Michael T. Koterba3
Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5093, published 2006.
Table 6
Summary of trace-element environmental ground-water and surface-water data collected from 1991 to 2002.
[Ag, silver; As, arsenic; B, boron; Ba, barium; Be, beryllium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; Fe, iron; Pb, lead; Li, lithium; mg/L, milligram per liter; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; Ni, nickel; Sb, antimony; Se, selenium; Sr, strontium; Tl, thallium; U, uranium; USEPA, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; V, vanadium; Zn, zinc; µg/L, microgram per liter; <, less than; —, no data]
USEPA Drinking-Water Standard1²50–200³6³10³2,000³44600³5³1,0051,300²30051543004404100³50410044,000³2³3042,000
Common Reporting Level (mg/L)
 Ground Water
Number of samples2,9273,0163,3083,1293,0321,1203,1323,1443,0333,1824,0663,1288955,0363,0703,0833,0632,9951,3105423,5488353,092
Number equal to or greater than the USEPA drinking-water standard92125035388111,0006595477605601421
Percent exceeding the USEPA drinking-water standard3.140.037.560.10.163.390.250.030.0324.70.1911.81.530.230.204.2704.00.03
 Surface Water
Number of samples3,1712,4712,4413,4453,0301,8533,6123,1582,4683,4734,9293,3886652,1702,7733,2503,0943,32918811032,5653873,101
Number equal to or greater than the USEPA drinking-water standard492151260161880022792383130012752
Percent exceeding the USEPA drinking-water standard15.50.615.1600.033.292.44004.610.
1U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2004. 2Secondary Drinking Water Regulation (SDWR): is a non-enforceable Federal guideline to address cosmetic or aesthetic effects of drinking water. 3Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): the highest level of contaminant that is allowed in drinking water. 4Health Advisory (HA): is an acceptable drinking-water level for a chemical substance that is based on health effects information. HAs are not legally enforceable, but is a standard that serves as a guidance to assist Federal, state, and local officials. 5Action Level (AL): concentration of a contaminant that triggers treatment or other requirements that a water system must follow. For lead and copper, the action level is the level where 10 percent of the homes tested exceed the standard.