Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5099

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5099

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The National Park Service, Water Resources Division funded this study. The authors wish to thank NPS personnel including Bill Van Liew who was instrumental in the design of and acquiring funding for the project, as well as Tod Williams and Ben Roberts for their support. The authors extend a special thanks to Gretchen Baker (NPS) who assisted with data collection, seepage site preparation, access to seepage site locations, and installation of streamflow gages and provided data used in this report. Special thanks also to Patrick A. Glancy (USGS, Emeritus) who was extremely helpful in locating and installing streamflow gages as well as assessing geology along the drainages, and to Donald S. Sweetkind (USGS) for his early field reviews and valuable comments regarding the geology. Appreciation is extended to all NPS employees who assisted with the seepage runs during June, July, and October 2003. Appreciation also is extended to Gary Barbato, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, for providing climate data for the park, and to Scott Miller, Nevada Department of Wildlife, for providing information on and access to the Spring Creek Rearing Station and sites on State land. The authors also thank the private landowners who allowed access to their property along the streams for the purpose of measuring flows.

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