Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5099

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5099

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Table 2. Index for continual-recording streamflow gages, Great Basin National Park area, Nevada.

[Station name: above refers to upstream; below refers to downstream. n/a, not applicable]

USGS station No. Station name Coordinates (North American Datum of 1983) Land-surface altitude (feet) Drainage area of the gage (square miles) Stream length above gage (miles) Average stream gradient above gage (feet per mile) Mean annual discharge (cubic feet per second) Mean annual unit runoff (cubic feet per second per square mile) Period of record
Latitude Longitude
10243280 Strawberry Creek above
Great Basin National Park
boundary near Baker, Nevada
39°03’52” 114°15’31” 6,840 7.59 4.70 649 0.58 0.08 10/2002–09/2004
10243640 Shingle Creek near Great
Basin National Park boundary
near Osceola, Nevada
39°00’19” 114°21’37” 7,860 1.98 1.50 1,170 0.84 0.42 10/2002–09/2004
10243260 Lehman Creek near Baker,
39°00’42” 114°12’52” 6,700 8.93 5.50 602 5.13 0.57 12/1947–09/1955,
and 10/2002–09/2004
10243265 Rowland Spring at Great
Basin National Park near
Baker, Nevada
39°00’31” 114°12’28” 6,580 (1) n/a n/a 2.28 n/a 10/2002–09/2004
10243240 Baker Creek at Narrows
near Baker, Nevada
38°59’27” 114°12’24” 6,730 16.6 6.80 640 9.08 0.55 12/1947–09/1955,
and 10/2002–09/2004
10243230 Snake Creek above pipeline
near Baker, Nevada
38°55’18” 114°13’28” 7,620 9.26 4.20 898 2.70 0.29 10/2002–09/2004
10243232 Snake Creek at Great Basin
National Park boundary
near Baker, Nevada
38°55’08” 114°07’58” 6,190 22.0 9.90 678 1.22 0.06 10/2002–09/2004
10243233 Snake Creek below Spring
Creek near Garrison, Utah
38°55’07” 114°06’04” 5,815 25.5 11.8 609 (2) (2) 02/2003–09/2004
10243234 Snake Creek at Nevada–Utah
State line near Garrison, Utah
38°55’47” 114°02’58” 5,350 32.5 15.0 526 (2) (2) 02/2003–09/2004
10243228 South Fork Big Wash above
Great Basin National Park
boundary near Baker, Nevada
38°53’01” 114°11’18” 6,880 6.69 4.80 804 0.53 0.08 10/2002–09/2004
10243630 Williams Canyon above
aqueduct near Minerva,
38°56’43” 114°21’32” 7,320 3.28 2.10 1,090 1.13 0.34 10/2002–09/2004
10243223 Decathon Canyon below Great
Basin National Park boundary
near Minerva, Nevada
38°48’59” 114°16’50” 8,410 5.06 4.50 724 0 0 10/2002–09/2004

1Contributing drainage indeterminate.

2Period of record less than 2 years.

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