Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5099

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5099

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Table 4. Index for synoptic-discharge and water-property measurements for Strawberry, Shingle, Lehman, Baker, and Snake Creeks, and Big Wash, Great Basin National Park area, Nevada, June, July, and October 2003.

[Discharge measurement accuracy: G, good (5 percent); F, fair (8 percent); P, poor (greater than 8 percent) from Sauer and Meyer (1992). Value in parenthesis is the percentage of measurement error in the actual discharge. Water and air temperatures were measured by National Park Service and U.S. Geological Survey. –, no measurement made at this site on this day]

Site No. Coordinates (North American Datum 1983) Land-surface altitude (feet) Measurement Discharge (cubic feet per second) Discharge measurement accuracy Specific conductance (microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius) Average water temperature (degrees Celsius) Average air temperature (degrees Celsius) Remarks
Latitude Longitude Date Time interval
Strawberry Creek
St1 39°03’18’’ 114°18’12’’ 7,920 06/11/2003 0840–0940 2.29 F 52 7 20 Strawberry Creek just downstream
of confluence with Blue Canyon Creek.
        10/08/2003 1400–1505 0.12 G 73 11 22
St2 39°03’32’’ 114°17’28’’ 7,600 06/11/2003 0820–1015 2.96 F 66 8 19 Strawberry Creek 0.8 mile downstream
of confluence with Blue Canyon Creek.
        10/08/2003 1350–1450 0.43 P 127 9 22
St3 39°03’52’’ 114°15’31’’ 6,840 06/11/2003 0815–0940 2.37 F 74 9 22 Strawberry Creek gage (10243280)
upstream of park boundary.
        10/08/2003 1345–1440 0.31 P 147 12 22
St4 39°04’03’’ 114°15’00’’ 6,670 06/11/2003 0815–0950 3.18 F 75 11 23 Strawberry Creek 0.5 mile downstream
of park boundary.
        10/08/2003 1355–1500 0.25 P 149 14 25
St5 39°04’46’’ 114°14’32’’ 6,350 06/11/2003 0805–0950 2.76 F 78 10 20 Strawberry Creek 0.6 mile upstream
of pipeline diversion.
        10/08/2003 1355–1515 0.17 P 153 17 27
St6 39°05’14’’ 114°14’11’’ 6,170 06/11/2003 0745–0910 2.32 F 77 10 21 Strawberry Creek at pipeline diversion.
        10/08/2003 1405–1530 0.17 F 151 17 28
Shingle Creek
Sh1 39°00’18’’ 114°21’26’’ 8,000 06/11/2003 1310–1420 2.02 F 60 8 20 Shingle Creek at park boundary.
        10/09/2003 0930–1055 0.77 F 76 7 15
Sh2 39°00’19’’ 114°21’37’’ 7,860 06/11/2003 1255–1350 2.02 F 61 8 21 Shingle Creek gage (10243640) near
park boundary.
        10/09/2003 0920–1020 0.73 P 77 7 16
Sh3 39°00’05’’ 114°23’02’’ 7,000 06/11/2003 1225–1350 1.71 F 64 11 19 Shingle Creek at national forest boundary.
        10/09/2003 0910–1050 0.63 F 79 9 19
Sh4 38°59’46’’ 114°23’54’’ 6,570 06/11/2003 1210–1350 1.83 F 65 13 24 Shingle Creek at pipeline diversion.
        10/09/2003 0855–1120 0.59 P 80 9 16
Lehman Creek
L1 39°01’00’’ 114°14’19’’ 7,330 07/22/2003 1250–1450 6.57 G 30 14 31 Lehman Creek at Lower Lehman Creek
        10/07/2003 0830–1100 2.56 G 39 7 19
L2 39°00’42’’ 114°12’52’’ 6,700 07/22/2003 1255–1510 6.15 F 30 17 30 Lehman Creek gage (10243260).
        10/07/2003 0810–0930 2.58 F 39 8 20
L3 39°00’31’’ 114°12’28’’ 6,580 07/22/2003 1305–1510 3.49 G 116 10 32 Rowland Spring gage (10243265).
        10/07/2003 0840–1210 2.67 G 152 9 19
L4 39°00’40’’ 114°12’00’’ 6,430 07/22/2003 1315–1540 8.82 G 59 16 33 Lehman Creek at Sage Way.
        10/07/2003 0900–1105 4.19 G 95 10 19
L5 39°00’42’’ 114°11’27’’ 6,280 07/22/2003 Lehman Creek about 800 feet upstream
of Circle M Road.
        10/07/2003 0850–1145 0.49 G 103 10 18
L6 39°00’37’’ 114°11’12’’ 6,220 07/22/2003 1310–1640 9.91 G 68 17 35 Lehman Creek at Circle M Road.
        10/07/2003 0840–1155 5.03 G 1108 10 19
L7 39°00’29’’ 114°10’18’’ 5,965 07/22/2003 1430–1530 11.7 F 70 20 36 Lehman Creek upstream of confluence
with Baker Creek.
        10/07/2003 0755–1100 5.16 F 108 10 21
Baker Creek
B1 38°59’06’’ 114°14’29’’ 7,660 07/22/2003 0800–1025 6.66 G 28 10 16 Baker Creek at Lower Baker Creek
        10/08/2003 0840–1055 3.03 G 35 6 11
B2 38°59’28’’ 114°13’31’’ 7,190 07/22/2003 0825–1110 8.07 G 30 13 30 Baker Creek upstream of Narrows.
        10/08/2003 0830–1050 4.31 G 39 8 17
B3 38°59’22’’ 114°13’03’’ 6,980 07/22/2003 Baker Creek at Three Hole Cave.
        10/08/2003 0810–1025 3.24 G 40 7 14
B4 38°59’22’’ 114°12’37’’ 6,840 07/22/2003 0850–1020 0.15 P 107 10 29 Unnamed spring tributary to
Baker Creek.
        10/08/2003 no flow no flow no flow no flow
B5 38°59’27’’ 114°12’24’’ 6,730 07/22/2003 0840–1030 3.31 G 37 14 28 Baker Creek gage (10243240)
at Narrows.
        10/08/2003 0830–1115 1.92 F 41 8 19
B6 38°59’58’’ 114°11’19’’ 6,280 07/22/2003 0905–1100 3.37 F 63 16 31 Baker Creek at national forest
        10/08/2003 0830–1005 2.03 F 63 9 18
B7 39°00’28’’ 114°10’18’’ 5,965 07/22/2003 0910–1050 3.9 G 81 18 32 Baker Creek upstream of confluence
with Lehman Creek.
        10/08/2003 0820–1115 1.64 F 79 11 20
Snake Creek
Sn1 38°55’18’’ 114°13’28’’ 7,620 06/10/2003 1425–1555 15.5 G 76 10 26 Snake Creek gage (10243230) upstream
of pipeline.
        10/07/2003 1255–1420 1.05 F 110 7 18
Sn2 38°54’42’’ 114°09’48’’ 6,620 06/10/2003 1400–1650 12.9 G 113 12 25 Snake Creek near Standing Snake
        10/07/2003 1340–1520 1.14 F 162 10 20
Sn3 38°55’08’’ 114°08’32’’ 6,300 06/10/2003 1405–1625 13.9 G 124 13 26 Snake Creek 0.4 mile upstream of
Cave Canyon.
        10/07/2003 1400–1605 0.92 F 258 11 22
Sn4 38°55’08’’ 114°07’58’’ 6,190 06/10/2003 1340–1610 13.7 F 124 13 29 Snake Creek gage (10243232) at
park boundary.
        10/07/2003 no flow no flow no flow no flow
Sn5 38°54’35’’ 114°06’45’’ 6,100 06/10/2003 0945–1705 2.02 F 329 14 Spring Creek upstream of Spring
Creek Rearing Station.
        10/07/2003 1340–1615 1.78 F 375 14
Sn6 38°55’07’’ 114°06’04’’ 5,815 06/10/2003 1405–1610 14.8 F 179 14 26 Snake Creek gage (10243233)
downstream of Spring Creek.
        10/07/2003 1400–1545 2.42 F 358 14 23
Sn7 38°55’33’’ 114°04’33’’ 5,540 06/10/2003 1330–1505 14.3 F 2186 14 31 Snake Creek 1.5 mile upstream of
Nevada–Utah State line.
        10/07/2003 1330–1530 2.31 F 361 14 28
Sn8 38°55’47’’ 114°02’58’’ 5,350 06/10/2003 1325–1635 14.6 G 180 12 26 Snake Creek gage (10243234) at
Nevada–Utah State line.
        10/07/2003 1335–1545 1.88 F 349 15 22
Big Wash
BW1 38°52’54’’ 114°11’47’’ 7,000 06/10/2003 0904–1030 3.02 F 341 8 21 South Fork Big Wash upstream of
confluence with unnamed spring.
        10/06/2003 no flow no flow no flow no flow
BW2 38°52’54’’ 114°11’46’’ 7,000 06/10/2003 0900–1050 1.49 F 370 7 22 Unnamed spring tributary to South
Fork Big Wash.
        10/06/2003 1410–1505 0.30 F 2456 9 18
BW3 38°53’01’’ 114°11’18’’ 6,880 06/10/2003 0900–1110 4.51 G 354 8 20 South Fork Big Wash gage (10243228)
upstream of park boundary.
        10/06/2003 1420–1445 0.063 P 391 10 18
BW4 38°53’04’’ 114°10’54’’ 6,760 06/10/2003 0850–1130 4.44 G 358 10 26 South Fork Big Wash upstream of
confluence with North Fork Big
        10/06/2003 no flow no flow no flow no flow
BW5 38°53’11’’ 114°09’43’’ 6,570 06/10/2003 0810–1010 4.47 F 384 10 20 Big Wash 0.85 mile downstream of
confluence of North and South
Forks Big Wash.
        10/06/2003 1440–1515 0.14 G 411 14 20
BW6 38°52’50’’ 114°08’47’’ 6,415 06/10/2003 0805–1040 5.05 G 420 10 20 Big Wash at fishpond pipeline diversion.
        10/06/2003 1355–1530 0.51 P 475 12 23

1Weighted mean average of specific conductance measured at the two channels at site L6.

2Specific conductance collected by National Park Service, except for specific conductance at Sn7 in June 2003 and BW2 in October 2003; these values were measured in the Nevada Water Science Center laboratory by U.S. Geological Survey personnel on October 22, 2003.

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