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Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5101–D

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5101–D

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Table 11. Commonly observed benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and tolerance values, Willamette River basin and surrounding area, Oregon and Washington.

[Taxa sorted in order of decreasing frequency of occurrence. Insect order and noninsect group: Taxa occurs in more than 50 percent of streams. Abbreviation: PNW, Pacific Northwest]

Insect order and
noninsect group
Taxa Number of
Percent of
Noninsect (water mite) Acari 27 96 6
Diptera Simulium canadense 27 96 6
Noninsect (snail) Juga sp. 25 89 7
Ephemeroptera Baetis tricaudatus 23 82 7
Noninsect (worm) Dero sp. 22 79 10
Noninsect (worm) Lumbriculidae 20 71 8
Trichoptera Cheumatopsyche sp. 19 68 8
Ephemeroptera Paraleptophlebia sp. 19 68 5
Diptera (Chironomidae) Polypedilum sp. 19 68 6
Diptera (Chironomidae) Thienemannimyia groupsp. 17 61 6
Diptera (Chironomidae) Rheotanytarsus sp. 16 57 6
Diptera (Chironomidae) Eukiefferiella sp. 16 57 8
Diptera (Chironomidae) Cricotopus bicinctus group 16 57 7
Coleoptera Optioservus sp. 16 57 9
Coleoptera Zapada cinctipes 16 57 4
Noninsect (snail) Ferrissia sp. 16 57 7
Noninsect (amphipod) Crangonyx sp. 15 54 8
Noninsect (worm) Tubificidae 15 54 10
Noninsect (crayfish) Pacifastacus leniusculus 15 54 7
Noninsect (snail) Fluminicola sp. 15 54 7
Ephemeroptera Rhithrogena sp. 15 54 3
Trichoptera Ceratopsyche cockerelli 14 50 5

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