USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5101–D

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5101–D

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Table 6. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients (rho values) between urban indicator and water-chemistry variables, Willamette River basin and surrounding area, Oregon and Washington.

[Average dissolved organic carbon (DOC), sulfate (SO4), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) concentration values were used for the correlations. Correlation coefficients were considered strong when absolute value ≥ 0.66 (bolded and shaded) and moderate when 0.66 > rho ≥ 0.50 (bolded). Abbreviations: PTI, Pesticide Toxicity Index; TEQ, toxic equivalents index; DO, dissolved oxygen; ROADDEN, road density. Symbol: ≥, greater than or equal to]

Urban indicators Sum of spring + summer Water-chemistry variables
Insecticide Pesticide PTI TEQ Pyrene index Summer DO DOC SO4 TN TP Nutrient index
Urban intensity index (UII) 0.69 0.68 0.63 0.81 0.67 -0.60 0.72 0.73 0.79 0.71 0.85
Percent impervious surface .65 .65 .61 .80 .64 -.56 .65 .72 .83 .71 .86
POPDEN00 .70 .68 .62 .81 .66 -.61 .70 .71 .81 .73 .85
Percent urban + agriculture .63 .72 .60 .73 .58 -.53 .60 .62 .86 .65 .84
ROADDEN .73 .67 .69 .75 .56 -.54 .69 .69 .75 .65 .79

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