USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5101–D

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5101–D

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Table A2. Variables used to derive the final urban intensity index.

[Abbreviations: NLCD, National land cover data; mi, mile; mi2, square mile]


Spearmans’ rho
correlation with
population density

Census Variables
SEI_3 Socioeconomic Index 3: Principal component 3 for 63 socioeconomic variables (2000 census block-group based) 0.92
HHDEN Household density (occupied housing units per square kilometer) (2000 census block-group based) .99
PPURBAN Proportion of population living in urban area (2000 census block-group based) .92
PP_SH95 Percentage of population living in same house as in 1995 (2000 census block-group based) -.80
PHUT Percentage of occupied housing units using utility gas (natural gas) as fuel (2000 census block-group based) .78
PHLP Percentage of occupied housing units using liquid petroleum gas as fuel (2000 census block-group based) -.78
PHWOOD Percentage of occupied housing units using wood as fuel (2000 census block-group based) -.90
HUDEN Density of housing units (housing units per square kilometer) (2000 cesnsus block-group based) .99
PPRURAL Proportion of population living in rural area (2000 census block-group based) -.92
PC_US Proportion of citizens born in United States (2000 census block-group based) -.81
PHU_G60 Proportion of housing units built prior to 1939 (2000 census block-group based) -.73
PPASIA Proportion of population of Asian ancestry (2000 census block-group based) .74
NLCD 2000 Land Cover/Land Use Variables
pNLCD1_2 Aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: developed (percentage of basin area) 0.98
pNLCD1_3 Aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: barren (includes all level 2 barren and unconsolidated categories) (percentage of basin area) -.79
pNLCD1_4 Aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: forest (percentage of basin area) -.91
pNLCD1_5 Aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: shrubland (includes all level 2 shrub and scrub categories) (percentage of basin area) -.85
NLCD_IS NLCD 2000 mean percent impervious surface .98
NLCD 2000 Riparian Buffer Variables
pNLCD1_B2 Buffer area in aggregated NLCD00 “level 1” category: developed (percentage of basin area) 0.97
pNLCD1_B3 Buffer area in aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: barren (includes all level 2 barren and unconsolidated categories) (percentage of basin area) -.82
pNLCD1_B4 Buffer area in aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: forest (percentage of basin area) -.83
pNLCD1_B5 Buffer area in aggregated NLCD 2000 “level 1” category: shrubland (includes all level 2 shrub and scrub categories) (percentage of basin area) -.87
NLCD_BIS NLCD 2000 mean percent impervious surface .97
Infrastructure Variables
ROADDEN Road density in watershed = [RDLENGTH (mi) / watershed area (mi2)] 0.95
RDTRINDX Road traffic index in watershed (weighted miles): road traffic index i = SUM j (length ij * Veh_Traffic_Wt ij) for watershed I and CFCC TIGER code j .73

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