Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5106

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5106

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Table 4. Mean annual freshwater flow and dissolved inorganic nitrogen loading for river and shoreline subbasins, Hood Canal drainage basin, western Washington, 1971–2002.

[Groupings of river and shoreline subbasins is shown in table 2 and figure 2. Abbreviations: DIN, dissolved inorganic nitrogen; m3/s, cubic meter per second; MT/yr, metric ton per year]

River and shoreline subbasins by geographic group Freshwater flow (m3/s)   DIN loading (MT/yr)
Stream Ground water Total Percentage Stream Ground water Total Percentage
Skokomish River
Skokomish 36 0.0 36 24 131 0 131 21
Diversion 23 .0 23 15   89 0 89 14
Total1 59 .0 59 40 220 0 220 35
Other Olympic Rivers 55 1.1 56 38 148 20 168 27
North Olympic lowlands 3 2.0 5 3 12 37 49 8
South Olympic, South-Shore,
and Kitsap lowlands
24 4.3 28 19   112 81 193 31
Total for Hood Canal
drainage basin1
142 7.3 149 100 493 138 631 100

1Total is slightly different than the sum due to rounding.

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