Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5111

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5111

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Appendix A. Relative percentage of abundance of fish species in the lower Boise River, Idaho.

[Origin: I, introduced; N, native. Tolerance: I, intermediate; S, sensitive; T, tolerant. Adult trophic guild: Classification of species from Zaroban and others, 1999; inv., invertivore, pisc, piscivore; omni, omnivore; herb, herbivore. Abbreviations: IFG, Idaho Fish and Game; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; WTF, wastewater-treatment facility; –, no species found]

  Date Collecting agency Species
Brown trout (Salmo trutta) Mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) Wild rainbow trout (Onchorhychus mykiss) Mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi) Shorthead sculpin (Cottus confusus) Sculpin
(Cottus sp.)
Origin     I N N N N N
Tolerance     I I S I S I
Temperature preference     Cold Cold Cold Cold Cold Cold
Adult trophic guild     inv/pisc inv inv/pisc inv inv inv
Site location
Downstream Barber Dam Jan. 1988 IDFG 1.3 72.7 2.7 12.7
Downstream Barber Dam Dec. 1996 USGS 1.3 39.8 7.2 27.5 22.5
Downstream Barber Dam Nov. 2003 USGS .2 11.9 5.4 4.4 74.8
Upstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 IDFG .1 15.5 .3 .4
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 IDFG 2.1 38.4 2.1 28.9
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1995 USGS 29.9 1.8 8.8 18.8
Upstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 USGS .4 28.4 .6 31.4 13.5
Upstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 USGS 2.3 38.1 6.0 15.8 19.1 9.7
Downstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 IFG 5.5 .5
Downstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 IFG 19.6 .2
Downstream Lander WTF Feb. 1995 USGS .3 24.2 1.3
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 USGS .8 27.6 .8 .8 1.2
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 2001 USGS 1.1 66.4 1.4 6.6 1.4
Downstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 USGS 1.8 48.6 3.5 10.6 .4 3.9
Downstream Lander WTF Aug. 2004 USGS 5.3 17.2 2.4
Upstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 IFG .3 61.6 5.1 .3
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 IFG .7 39.5 3.3
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 USGS .4 77.3 5.2
Upstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 USGS .6 67.4 1.7
Upstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 USGS 3.2 78.8 8.5
Downstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 IFG .3 32.0 2.7 3.7
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 IFG 5.3 .4
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 USGS 36.7 8.5
Downstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 USGS 2.1 69.8 9.4
Downstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 USGS 2.1 55.5 26.6
North channel Eagle Island Jan. 1988 IFG .2 .9 .9
Middleton Dec. 1996 USGS 25.9 .2
Middleton Aug. 1997 USGS 2.0
Above Star Road Jan. 1988 IFG 6.6 .7
Caldwell Aug. 1997 USGS 2.5
Near mouth Dec. 1996 USGS 8.3
Near mouth Aug. 1997 USGS 1.8
  Date Species
Bridgelip sucker (Catostomus columbianus) Largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) Mountain sucker (Catostomus platyrhynchus) Sucker (Catostomus sp.) Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) Chiselmouth (Acrocheilus alutaceus) Longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae)
Origin N N N N I N N
Tolerance T T I T T I I
Temperature preference Cool Cool Cool Cool Warm Cool Cool
Adult trophic guild herb omni herb herb/omni omni herb inv
Site location
Downstream Barber Dam Jan. 1988 10.0
Downstream Barber Dam Dec. 1996 0.4
Downstream Barber Dam Nov. 2003 0.4 0.5
Upstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 9.1 .1
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 16.3
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1995 3.9 6.9 1.1 9.7
Upstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 5.7 9.4 0.1 4.0
Upstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 1.4 5.1
Downstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 28.1 1.1 .1
Downstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 79.0 .9
Downstream Lander WTF Feb. 1995 9.4 42.9 .5 5.2
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 12.2 34.6 .8 .4 10.6
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 2001 5.0 10.2 .6 5.2
Downstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 5.3 17.7 1.1 .7
Downstream Lander WTF Aug. 2004 3.0 39.1 10.1
Upstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 30.6 .7
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 52.6
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 3.3 13.3 .4
Upstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 5.8 13.3 .3 .9
Upstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 1.1 5.8 1.1 1.3
Downstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 37.3
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 57.4 2.7
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 .3 19.4 2.9 .6 10.9
Downstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 2.1 8.8 1.5
Downstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 1.4 12.1
North channel Eagle Island Jan. 1988 76.5 1.6
Middleton Dec. 1996 2.8 17.9 1.9 7.5 .5 7.8
Middleton Aug. 1997 10.2 12.3 .3 37.2 14.9
Above Star Road Jan. 1988 14.5 17.5
Caldwell Aug. 1997 8.9 16.7 2.5 9.9
Near mouth Dec. 1996 48.8 26.4 2.5 10.7
Near mouth Aug. 1997 31.2 33.5 3.2 6.3
  Date Species
Umatilla dace (Rhinichthys umatilla1) Dace (Rhinichthys sp.) Northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) Redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus) Tui chub (Gila bicolor) Pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) Bluegil (Leponis macrochirus)
Origin N N N N N I I
Tolerance I I T I T T T
Temperature preference Cool Cool Cool Cool Warm Warm Warm
Adult trophic guild inv inv inv/pisc inv omni inv/pisc inv/pisc
Site location
Downstream Barber Dam Jan. 1988 0.7
Downstream Barber Dam Dec. 1996 1.3 .0
Downstream Barber Dam Nov. 2003 1.1 0.5 .8
Upstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 .1 74.2
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 1.6 10.5
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1995 17.5 .2 1.4
Upstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 5.6 .9
Upstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 1.4 .6 .6
Downstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 1.1 58.7 4.8
Downstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 .3
Downstream Lander WTF Feb. 1995 15.6 .8
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 2.8 .8 6.5
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 2001 1.4
Downstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 4.3 1.8
Downstream Lander WTF Aug. 2004 4.7 1.8 16.0
Upstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 1.4
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 3.9
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 .0 .1
Upstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 1.7 .3
Upstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003
Downstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 1.2 1.1 21.7
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 1.5 3.8 28.3
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 13.5 .3 7.0
Downstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 2.9 .6 2.6
Downstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 1.4
North channel Eagle Island Jan. 1988 3.2 2.3 14.5
Middleton Dec. 1996 35.3
Middleton Aug. 1997 6.3 8.8 6.8 .1
Above Star Road Jan. 1988 4.6 5.1 51.1
Caldwell Aug. 1997 .8
Near mouth Dec. 1996 .8
Near mouth Aug. 1997 5.9 10.9 0.5
  Date Species Total abundance
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Tadpole madtom (Noturus gyrinus) Oriental weatherfish (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
Origin I I I I I
Tolerance T I T T T
Temperature preference Warm Cool Warm Warm Warm
Adult trophic guild pisc pisc inv/pisc inv/pisc omni
Site location
Downstream Barber Dam Jan. 1988 150
Downstream Barber Dam Dec. 1996 236
Downstream Barber Dam Nov. 2003 826
Upstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 702
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 190
Upstream Lander WTF Mar. 1995 565
Upstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 806
Upstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 514
Downstream Lander WTF Jan. 1988 2,929
Downstream Lander WTF Mar. 1992 647
Downstream Lander WTF Feb. 1995 385
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 1996 246
Downstream Lander WTF Dec. 2001 0.8 363
Downstream Lander WTF Nov. 2003 .4 282
Downstream Lander WTF Aug. 2004 0.6 169
Upstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 294
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 152
Upstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 842
Upstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 8.1 347
Upstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 .3 378
Downstream West Boise WTF Jan. 1988 .1 748
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1992 .6 714
Downstream West Boise WTF Mar. 1995 341
Downstream West Boise WTF Dec. 1996 0.3 341
Downstream West Boise WTF Nov. 2003 1.0 290
North channel Eagle Island Jan. 1988 442
Middleton Dec. 1996 .2 425
Middleton Aug. 1997 .9 .1 0.1 .1 974
Above Star Road Jan. 1988 607
Caldwell Aug. 1997 0.5 203
Near mouth Dec. 1996 2.5 121
Near mouth Aug. 1997 .9 4.1 1.8 221

1Rhinichthys umatilla is not classified in Zaroban and other (1999), classified in Wydoski and Whitney (2003).

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