Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5116
Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5116
The USGS assigns numbers to wells and springs in Washington that identify their location in a township, range, and section. Well number 20N/15E-26N01 indicates successively, the township (T. 20 N.) and the range (R. 15 E.) north and east of the Willamette baseline and meridian (fig. 5). The first number following the hyphen indicates the section (26) within the township, and the letter following the section number (N) gives the 40-acre subdivision of the section, as shown above. The number (01) following the letter is the sequence number of the well within the 40-acre subdivision. An “S” following the sequence number indicates that the site is a spring, a “D1” after the sequence number indicates that the original reported depth of the well has been changed once and successive numbers indicate the number of changes in the well depth. An “R” following the sequence number indicates the well has been reconditioned. A “P1” or “A” after the sequence number indicates a group of nested piezometers, with successive numbers or letters assigned to each piezometer in the group.
For more information about USGS activities in Washington, visit the USGS Washington Water Science Center home page.