Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5145

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5145

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Table 3. Description of ET units delineated from multi-spectral IKONOS imagery in major spring-discharge areas along the eastern margin of Death Valley.

General description of ET unit2
MDV 1 Area of moderate-density vegetation, primarily saltgrass, bunch grass, yerba mansa, arrowweed, desert baccharis, mesquite or some combination thereof; water table typically less than 5 feet below land surface in winter and ranges from near land surface to about 15 feet below land surface in summer; soil moist in winter and damp to dry in summer.
HDV 2 Area dominated by high-density vegetation, primarily desert wild grape, mesquite, desert willow, arrowweed, or some combination thereof; some areas have minor presence of saltgrass, bunch grass, and date palms; water table typically ranges from near surface to 10 feet below land surface; soil wet to moist in winter and moist to dry in summer.

1Areas within the imagery of no substantial ET from a ground-water source were assigned a unit number of zero. These areas are characterized by a water table greater than 15 feet below land surface and very dry soil. Vegetation present in these areas typically is not phreatophytic and is of much lower density than classified areas.

2Vegetation cover descriptor: Moderate is about 20 to 50 percent phreatophyte cover and dense is greater than 50 percent. Soil moisture descriptor presented in qualitative terms. Depth-to-water information based on observation, data stored in U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System (retrieved June 2003), and periodic and continual depth-to-water measurements made during the study.

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