Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5188

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5188

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Table 6. Regression coefficients and coefficients of determination (R2) for load models used to estimate dissolved and total cadmium, lead, and zinc loads at four streamflow-gaging stations in the Spokane River basin, Idaho.

[Gaging station locations are shown in figures 1 and 2. Long-term records are for the periods: Enaville (1992-2004), Pinehurst, Harrison (1991-2004), and Post Falls (1991-2003). Regression equation is ln(L) = a + b(ln Q) + c(ln Q2) + d[sin(2•T)] + e[cos(2•T)] + fT + gT2, where L is constituent load; Q is streamflow; T is time in decimal years from beginning of calibration period; a, b, c, d, e, f, and g are regression coefficients. Symbols: –, explanatory variable not used in regression; <, less than]

Gaging station No. Gaging station name Regression coefficient R2 (percent)
a b c d e f p-value
of f
g p-value
of g
Dissolved cadmium (DCd)
5 Pinehurst 2.1468 .6013 -0.0736 0.0798 0.2101 -0.0474 <0.001 -0.0029 0.04 93.4
6 Enaville -1.8831 .9942 .0274 -.0116 .2051 -.2843 <.001 .0293 .001 96.1
7 Harrison 1.9382 .8366 -.1057 .0908 .1527 -.0810 <.001 96.1
9 Post Falls 1.1276 .9752 .0184 .2246 -.1639 <.001 92.8
Total cadmium (TCd)
5 Pinehurst 2.1242 0.7909 -0.2745 -0.0834 -0.0465 <0.001 78.7
6 Enaville -1.8090 1.2197 .1347 -.0131 -.0983 -.2970 <.001 0.0253 <0.001 96.7
7 Harrison 2.0933 1.0082 -.3460 -.2173 -.0635 <.001 84.9
9 Post Falls 1.1790 .9300 -.3064 -.2743 -.1188 <.001 91.8
Dissolved lead (DPb)
5 Pinehurst 1.6491 0.8307 0.0812 -0.3614 -0.0361 0.076 75.1
6 Enaville -1.3706 1.1582 0.0967 .0073 .1954 -.1412 .003 0.0376 <0.001 87.8
7 Harrison 3.1052 1.2741 86.5
9 Post Falls .5203 .8471 -.0112 .3731 .5585 -.1728 <.001 .0447 <.001 73.8
Total lead (TPb)
5 Pinehurst 3.4695 1.7819 0.4036 -0.2484 -0.3025 -0.0621 <0.001 -0.0099 0.073 90.0
6 Enaville .1051 1.6317 .3643 -.1820 <.001 87.6
7 Harrison 4.5146 1.5535 .2601 -.1865 -.2269 -.0511 <.001 89.6
9 Post Falls 2.5816 .9318 .0323 -.5161 .1712 -.1419 <.001 .0203 <.001 82.6
Dissolved zinc (DZn)
5 Pinehurst 7.1708 0.5584 -0.0380 0.0513 0.1592 -0.0564 <0.001 -0.0041 0.004 92.8
6 Enaville 2.8899 1.2202 -.0541 .0984 .1196 -.0713 <.001 .0176 <.001 93.2
7 Harrison 7.0855 .7306 -.0690 .2148 .078 -.0915 <.001 97.1
9 Post Falls 6.3186 .9838 -.2365 .347 -.0509 <.001 98.9
Total zinc (TZn)
5 Pinehurst 7.0444 0.6686 0.0533 -0.2184 0.0185 -0.0500 <0.001 82.9
6 Enaville 3.1654 1.2801 .0890 -.1199 <.001 88.0
7 Harrison 7.0945 .9485 -.2767 -.2635 -.0300 .004 82.2
9 Post Falls 6.3402 .9369 -.0723 -.4163 -.0388 <.001 93.5

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