Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5188

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5188

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Table 9. Comparison of trend analysis results for trace-metal loads and flow-weighted concentrations based on the Mann-Kendall test and LOADEST regression analysis for four streamflow-gaging stations in the Spokane River basin, Idaho, water years 1991–2004.

[Abbreviations: Y, statistically significant downward trend at greater than 95-percent confidence level; N, no significant trend. –, comparison not made]

Trace metal Trace-metal loads
Pinehurst   Enaville   Harrison   Post Falls
Mann-Kendall LOADEST Mann-Kendall LOADEST Mann-Kendall LOADEST Mann-Kendall LOADEST
Dissolved cadmium (DCd) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Total cadmium (TCd) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dissolved lead (DPb) Y1 N Y Y N N Y Y
Total lead (TPb) N Y Y1 Y N Y Y Y
Dissolved zinc (DZn) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y1 Y
Total zinc (TZn) Y N Y Y Y1 Y N Y
Flow-weighted concentrations
Dissolved cadmium (DCd) Y Y Y Y
Total cadmium (TCd) Y Y Y Y
Dissolved lead (DPb) Y Y N Y
Total lead (TPb) N Y N Y
Dissolved zinc (DZn) Y Y Y Y
Total zinc (TZn) Y Y Y1 Y

1Result was statistically significant at the 90- to 95-percent confidence level.

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