Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5218

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5218

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Appendix: Instructions for Interactive Map

The appendix is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) for download at URL:

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The interactive map allows users to browse and compare the 44 individual interferograms, the three-color stacked interferogram, and two Landsat images side by side. Both sides of the viewer can display any of the 91 images. To display an image, select the desired interferogram or Landsat image from the appropriate drop-down menu. To see major freeways, selected faults, or areas of interest (subsidence bowls and areas of recurring localized deformation), check one or more of the corresponding boxes.

The viewer allows for three fundamental types of visual analyses. First, identify patterns of deformation and decorrelated areas by comparing three-color and multicolored pairs. Second, observe temporal changes by comparing interferograms from different times. Third, determine land or water uses by identifying areas of deformation on an interferogram and comparing the interferogram to a Landsat image. For more information on interpreting interferograms and Landsat images, see the “Interpreting Interferograms” section of this report.

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