Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5225

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5225

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Appendix 1. Geographic coordinates for white sturgeon early life stage collection sites.

[Map datum is WGS 84, UTM Zone 10N. Capture: for embryo sites: date/time an artificial substrate was retrieved; for free embryos and larvae: date/time collection gear was checked and the presence of white sturgeon noted]

Site Latitude Longitude Life stage No. collected Capture
Date Time
1 45.62258271 -121.9892485 Embryo 31 06-07-2005 09:55
2 45.62289954 -121.9889513 Embryo 5 06-07-2005 10:20
3 45.61771374 -121.0038865 Embryo 2 06-07-2005 11:35
6 45.62254046 -121.9891958 Embryo 1 06-08-2005 11:25
7 45.62241121 -121.9888307 Embryo 23 06-08-2005 11:00
8 45.62297238 -121.9890932 Embryo 1 06-08-2005 12:29
15 45.62257919 -121.9881090 Embryo 131 06-10-2005 09:20
16 45.62292762 -121.9880778 Embryo 8 06-10-2005 10:09
17 45.62313231 -121.9881475 Embryo 13 06-10-2005 10:23
18 45.62350572 -121.9881395 Embryo 2 06-10-2005 10:26
19 45.62229428 -121.9896724 Embryo 30 06-10-2005 10:50
21 45.62228238 -121.9908966 Embryo 1 06-10-2005 11:09
22 45.62495504 -121.9863766 Free embryo 4 06-08-2005 14:25
31 45.62489829 -121.9864324 Free embryo 1 06-09-2005 13:07
32 45.62493341 -121.9865616 Free embryo 1 06-09-2005 13:07
33 45.62611006 -121.9854349 Embryo 1 06-15-2005 09:30
34 45.62628692 -121.9849599 Embryo 1 06-15-2005 09:51
38 45.62157528 -121.9993039 Embryo 1 06-15-2005 11:23
47 45.62309953 -121.9894973 Larva 1 06-14-2005 13:25
76 45.61899584 -121.9999048 Embryo 2 06-17-2005 09:46
77 45.61831858 -122.0021020 Embryo 1 06-17-2005 10:24

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.

[Site: 17. Date: 08-16-2005.
Type of site: Embryo.
Location description: Ives Island, upper main channel, water’s edge.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, boulder, periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Absent.
GPS: Lat/Long. UTM Zone 10N. WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62313231 -121.9881475]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <5.6 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <8.0 0 .00 .00
Medium gravel <11.3 1 .73 .73
Medium gravel <16.0 6 4.38 5.11
Coarse gravel <22.6 7 5.11 10.22
Coarse gravel <32.0 13 9.49 19.71
Very coarse gravel <45.3 17 12.41 32.12
Very coarse gravel <64.0 15 10.95 43.07
Small cobble <90.5 14 10.22 53.28
Small cobble <128 26 18.98 72.26
Large cobble <181 20 14.60 86.86
Large cobble <256 13 9.49 96.35
Boulder ≥256 5 3.65 100.00
Total   137 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 18. Date: 08-16-2005.
Type of site: Embryo.
Location description: Upper Ives Island, main channel side.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, some boulders, dry periphyton near pool of standing water.
Vegetation description: Absent.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62350572 -121.9881395]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <5.6 1 .78 .78
Fine gravel <8.0 1 .78 1.56
Medium gravel <11.3 4 3.13 4.69
Medium gravel <16.0 5 3.91 8.59
Coarse gravel <22.6 4 3.13 11.72
Coarse gravel <32.0 7 5.47 17.19
Very coarse gravel <45.3 12 9.38 26.56
Very coarse gravel <64.0 12 9.38 35.94
Small cobble <90.5 19 14.84 50.78
Small cobble <128 29 22.66 73.44
Large cobble <181 27 21.09 94.53
Large cobble <256 7 5.47 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   128 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 21.
Date: 08-16-2005.
Type of site: Embryo.
Location description: Ives Island middle, main channel side, 0.6–0.9 meters of water.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, some boulder, periphyton covered.
Vegetation sescription: Absent.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62228238 -121.9908966]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <5.6 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <8.0 1 .78 .78
Medium gravel <11.3 1 .78 1.56
Medium gravel <16.0 11 8.59 10.16
Coarse gravel <22.6 12 9.38 19.53
Coarse gravel <32.0 13 10.16 29.69
Very coarse gravel <45.3 11 8.59 38.28
Very coarse gravel <64.0 17 13.28 51.56
Small cobble <90.5 15 11.72 63.28
Small cobble <128 22 17.19 80.47
Large cobble <181 23 17.97 98.44
Large cobble <256 2 1.56 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   128 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 22.
Date: 08-12-2005. Type of site: Free embryo.
Location description: Upper Ives Island, main channel side, dry land site in August.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, dry periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Sparse, edge of willows. GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62495504 -121.9863766]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <5.6 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <8.0 0 .00 .00
Medium gravel <11.3 4 2.96 2.96
Medium gravel <16.0 11 8.15 11.11
Coarse gravel <22.6 9 6.67 17.78
Coarse gravel <32.0 11 8.15 25.93
Very coarse gravel <45.3 18 13.33 39.26
Very coarse gravel <64.0 14 10.37 49.63
Small cobble <90.5 20 14.81 64.44
Small cobble <128 25 18.52 82.96
Large cobble <181 23 17.04 100.00
Large cobble <256 0 .00 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   135 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 31.
Date: 08-12-2005. Type of site: Free embryo.
Location description: Upper Ives Island, main channel side, dry land site in August.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, dry periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Moderate coverage, willows.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62489829 -121.9864324]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <5.6 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <8.0 1 .78 .78
Medium gravel <11.3 4 3.13 3.91
Medium gravel <16.0 10 7.81 11.72
Coarse gravel <22.6 8 6.25 17.97
Coarse gravel <32.0 19 14.84 32.81
Very coarse gravel <45.3 12 9.38 42.19
Very coarse gravel <64.0 25 19.53 61.72
Small cobble <90.5 19 14.84 76.56
Small cobble <128 21 16.41 92.97
Large cobble <181 8 6.25 99.22
Large cobble <256 1 .78 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   128 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 32.
Date: 08-12-2005.
Type of site: Free embryo.
Location description: Upper Ives Island, main channel side, dry land site in August.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, dry periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Heavy coverage, willows.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62493341 -121.9865616]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 4 3.13 3.13
Very fine gravel <2.8 1 .78 3.91
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 3.91
Fine gravel <5.6 0 .00 3.91
Fine gravel <8.0 2 1.56 5.47
Medium gravel <11.3 6 4.69 10.16
Medium gravel <16.0 9 7.03 17.19
Coarse gravel <22.6 9 7.03 24.22
Coarse gravel <32.0 11 8.59 32.81
Very coarse gravel <45.3 13 10.16 42.97
Very coarse gravel <64.0 21 16.41 59.38
Small cobble <90.5 20 15.63 75.00
Small cobble <128 20 15.63 90.63
Large cobble <181 10 7.81 98.44
Large cobble <256 2 1.56 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   128 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 33.
Date: 08-12-2005.
Type of site: Embryo.
Location description: Upper Ives Island, shallow water at eastern tip island, start of side channel.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Absent.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62611006 -121.9854349]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 1 .77 .77
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .77
Fine gravel <5.6 1 .77 1.54
Fine gravel <8.0 6 4.62 6.15
Medium gravel <11.3 3 2.31 8.46
Medium gravel <16.0 8 6.15 14.62
Coarse gravel <22.6 11 8.46 23.08
Coarse gravel <32.0 12 9.23 32.31
Very coarse gravel <45.3 16 12.31 44.62
Very coarse gravel <64.0 20 15.38 60.00
Small cobble <90.5 14 10.77 70.77
Small cobble <128 28 21.54 92.31
Large cobble <181 10 7.69 100.00
Large cobble <256 0 .00 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   130 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 34.
Date: 08-16-2005.
Type of site: Embryo.
Location description: Upper Ives Island, shallow water at eastern tip island, start of side channel.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Absent.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62628692 -121.9849599]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 1 .77 .77
Fine gravel <5.6 5 3.85 4.62
Fine gravel <8.0 7 5.38 10.00
Medium gravel <11.3 5 3.85 13.85
Medium gravel <16.0 10 7.69 21.54
Coarse gravel <22.6 7 5.38 26.92
Coarse gravel <32.0 18 13.85 40.77
Very coarse gravel <45.3 19 14.62 55.38
Very coarse gravel <64.0 24 18.46 73.85
Small cobble <90.5 21 16.15 90.00
Small cobble <128 9 6.92 96.92
Large cobble <181 4 3.08 100.00
Large cobble <256 0 .00 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   130 100.00  

Appendix 2. Substrate data and frequency graph by site.—Continued

[Site: 47.
Date: 08-16-2005.
Type of site: Larva.
Location description: Ives Island, middle, main channel side.
Substrate description: Cobble, gravel, dry periphyton covered.
Vegetation description: Sparse.
GPS: Lat/Long, UTM Zone 10N, WGS 84.
Waypoint: 45.62309953 -121.9894973]

Class name Size class
No. of
percent finer
Fines <2.0 0 0.00 0.00
Very fine gravel <2.8 0 .00 .00
Very fine gravel <4.0 0 .00 .00
Fine gravel <5.6 2 1.56 1.56
Fine gravel <8.0 1 .78 2.34
Medium gravel <11.3 2 1.56 3.91
Medium gravel <16.0 7 5.47 9.38
Coarse gravel <22.6 6 4.69 14.06
Coarse gravel <32.0 11 8.59 22.66
Very coarse gravel <45.3 12 9.38 32.03
Very coarse gravel <64.0 23 17.97 50.00
Small cobble <90.5 26 20.31 70.31
Small cobble <128 26 20.31 90.63
Large cobble <181 12 9.38 100.00
Large cobble <256 0 .00 100.00
Boulder ≥256 0 .00 100.00
Total   128 100.00  

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