Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5290

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5290

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Table 3. Consolidations and adjustments to the raw microbiological and associated ground-water data by study unit and network, water use, principal aquifer, and lithology.

[Abbreviations: CCYK, Central Columbia Plateau-Yakima; CONN, Connecticut; GAFL, Georgia-Florida; HPGW, High Plains; KANA, Kanawha; PODL, Potomac-DelMarva; PUGT, Puget Sound Basin; SANJ, San Joaquin; TENN, lower and upper Tennessee; TRIN, Trinity; USNK, Upper Snake River; WMIC, Western Lake Michigan; MAS, major aquifer study; SWQA, source-water quality assessment]

Adjustments made to reduce multiple observations at
an individual well to a single representative value
Adjustments and assumptions taken to populate
selected data fields with missing values
Removed 1 of 2 samples in June 2004 and retained the sample with an analysis of coliphage virus
For the SWQA network, principal aquifer assumed to be Columbia Plateau and primary lithology as volcanic (basalt)
Removed 1 of 2 pairs of samples (multiple quality-control samples) from 1 well
Lithology assumed to be sand or sand and gravel
Removed 1 sample in 2004 from 1 well and retained the earlier 2001 sample, which was part of a larger set of results
For wells listed as cased test hole, assumed to be unused; lithology assumed to be limestone
Removed the August 1998 samples and retained the March 1998 samples, which were part of larger sets of results for two land-use study networks.
For SWQA, lithology assumed to be alluvium
Removed the October 1997 samples and retained the first set of samples collected in March-April 1997 for an urban land-use study network.
For some MAS-3 network wells, lithology assumed to be sand
For 42 of 82 wells in 1994 and 1995, retained the August monthly samples, some of which had corresponding chemical analyses.
Lithology for 3 wells assumed to be basalt/volcanic and for 1 well, sand and gravel
Removed a 2001 sample from 5 wells and retained the 2000 samples, which were part of a larger set of data
Lithology for 2 wells assumed to be sand and gravel

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