Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5305

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5305

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Table 17. Volumes of effluent imported to Carson Valley, Nevada and California, 1968–2005.

[South Tahoe Public Utility District: Data from Hal Bird, written commun., 2005, estimated 1972–96 by subtracting 600 acre-ft/yr from plant volumes. Douglas County Sewer Improvement District #1: Data from Kelvin Ikehara, written commun., 2005, estimated 1979–83. Incline Village: Data from Harvey Johnson, Incline Village General Improvement District, written commun., 2005, estimated 1972–74. Carson City: Data from Kyle Menath, Carson City Utilities Department, oral commun., 2005. Abbreviations: na, data for 1988–89 not available. –, Effluent not imported for years with no data]

Effluent imports by source, in acre-feet Total
South Tahoe
Public Utility
County Sewer
District #1
1968 1,280 1,280
1969 2,470 530 3,000
1970 2,640 543 3,183
1971 2,930 567 290 3,787
1972 2,695 722 300 3,717
1973 3,097 791 400 4,287
1974 3,178 992 500 4,669
1975 3,324 1,282 751 5,357
1976 3,252 1,456 745 5,454
1977 3,494 1,540 771 5,805
1978 4,292 1,903 1,005 7,199
1979 4,397 1,900 1,157 7,454
1980 3,752 1,950 1,354 7,056
1981 3,557 2,000 1,328 6,885
1982 4,948 2,050 1,435 8,433
1983 4,733 2,100 1,521 8,353
1984 4,208 2,260 1,351 7,820
1985 4,103 2,435 1,341 7,879
1986 4,496 2,590 1,438 8,525
1987 4,486 2,446 1,309 8,241
1988 4,371 2,386 1,355 na 8,113
1989 4,831 2,478 1,420 na 8,729
1990 4,609 2,423 1,456 1,568 10,056
1991 4,344 2,274 1,424 1,482 9,524
1992 4,336 2,269 1,460 1,416 9,481
1993 4,909 2,451 1,595 1,325 10,280
1994 4,428 2,517 1,549 1,506 9,999
1995 5,310 2,517 1,692 1,462 10,981
1996 5,433 2,529 1,722 1,450 11,134
1997 5,298 2,491 1,751 1,383 10,923
1998 4,660 2,496 1,618 1,289 10,063
1999 4,869 2,479 1,628 1,394 10,369
2000 4,367 2,331 1,571 1,579 9,848
2001 4,142 2,215 1,493 1,500 9,350
2002 4,127 2,063 1,472 1,476 9,138
2003 4,123 2,130 1,386 1,495 9,134
2004 3,716 2,064 1,428 1,464 8,673
2005 3,763 2,064 1,307 1,480 8,614
Average 1990–2005 4,527 2,332 1,535 1,454 9,848

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