Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5305

Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5305

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Table 20. Sources and estimated annual volume of evapotranspiration from selected areas in Carson Valley, Nevada and California, water years 1990–2005.

Sources of ET Estimated volume
(acre-feet per year)
Total ET1 146,000
Ground-water ET from phreatophytes (rabbitbrush and greasewood)2 6,000
Ground-water ET from riparian vegetation (cottonwood and willows)2 4,000
Ground-water ET from non-irrigated pasture grasses2 1,000
Total ground-water ET 11,000
Open-water evaporation2 7,300
Effluent applied for irrigation3 9,500
Net ground water applied for irrigation4 8,200
Precipitation on basin-fill deposits5 31,000
Total (rounded) 67,000
Remainder (rounded)–Combined streamflow loss and ground water that supplies ET 79,000

1 From table 19.

2 ET from table 19, minus precipitation from table 5, rounded.

3 From written communications, Hal Bird, South Tahoe Public Utilities District, 2005; Cindy Neisess, JWA Consultants, 2005; Harvey Johnson, Incline General Improvement District, 2005; Kyle Menath, Carson City Utilities Department, 2005; and Frank Johnson, Minden-Gardnerville Sanitation District.

4 From table 18.

5 From table 5 minus precipitation on rabbitbrush and greasewood, riparian vegetation, and non-irrigated pasture grasses, totaling 7,000 acre-ft/yr.

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