Scientific Investigations Report 2006–5312
A StreamStats Web application was developed for Ohio that implements equations for estimating a variety of streamflow statistics including the 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year peak streamflows, mean annual streamflow, mean monthly streamflows, harmonic mean streamflow, and 25th-, 50th-, and 75th-percentile streamflows. StreamStats is a Web-based geographic information system application designed to facilitate the estimation of streamflow statistics at ungaged locations on streams. StreamStats can also serve precomputed streamflow statistics determined from streamflow-gaging station data. The basic structure, use, and limitations of StreamStats are described in this report.
To facilitate the level of automation required for Ohio’s StreamStats application, the technique used by
The change in channel slope values resulting from the change in computational method necessitated revision of the full-model equations for flood-peak discharges originally presented by Koltun (2003)1. Average standard errors of prediction for the revised full-model equations presented in this report increased by a small amount over those reported by
1Koltun, G.F., 2003, Techniques for Estimating Flood-Peak Discharges of Rural, Unregulated Streams in Ohio, Second Edition: U. S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4164, 76 p
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Purpose and Scope
Processing of Geospatial Datasets
Physical and Hydrologic Setting
Determination of Channel Slope
Generalized Least-Squares Regression Analysis
Appendix A. Statistical techniques for determining confidence intervals and testing for extrapolation
Appendix B. Basin characteristics used as regressor variables
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