USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5050

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5050
Version 1.1, April 2010

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Table 3. Estimates of major hydrologic budget elements of the upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and California.

[ET, evapotranspiration; values in million acre feet per year; PRISM, Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model (Oregon State University, PRISM Group, 2006); CDWR, California Department of Water Resources; USFWS, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; USGS, U.S. Geological Survey]

Budget element Value Source and remarks
Precipitation 10 1971–2000 average from PRISM
Subsurface inflow unknown Assumed to be negligible
Total inflow 10
Subsurface outflow unknown Assumed to be negligible
Surface outflow at Iron Gate Dam 1.5 1961–2004 annual average (USGS gage data)
Net diversions to other basins .03 1960–1996 annual average from LaMarche (2001). Does not
include diversion to City of Yreka from Fall Creek
ET from agricultural lands
Bureau of Reclamation Klamath .48 1999 and 2000 average (Burt and Freeman, 2003)
Non-Project land in Oregon .20 Cooper (2004)
Non-Project land in California .07 Estimated from CDWR 2000 land-use survey
ET from major wetlands
Tule Lake and Klamath Refuge (not including open water) .22 2003–05 average (Risley and Gannett, 2006)
Upper Klamath Lake fringe wetlands .29 1965–67 average (Hubbard, 1970)
Klamath Marsh .17 Estimated using the method of Priestly and Taylor (1972)
(Tim Mayer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, written commun., 2005)
ET from nonagricultural areas within the Klamath Project .08 1999 and 2000 average (Burt and Freeman, 2003)
Subtotal outflow 3.0
Estimated ET from nonagricultural and upland areas outside the Project 7.0 Total inflow minus outflow subtotal
Total outflow 10

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