New Jersey Water Science Center

Flood of April 2-4, 2005, Delaware River Main Stem from Port Jervis, New York, to Cinnaminson, New Jersey

Prepared in cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency

By Timothy J. Reed and Amy R. Protz

Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5067

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Several conditions, including saturated soils, snowmelt, and heavy rains, caused flooding on the Delaware River on April 2-4, 2005. The event occurred 50 years after the historic 1955 Delaware River flood, and only six months after a smaller but equally notable flood on September 18-19, 2004. The Delaware River flooded for a third time in 22 months in June, 2006. The peak flows and elevations of the 2005 flood were similar to those on June 28-29, 2006. The following report describes the April 2-4, 2005, Delaware River flood, and includes the associated precipitation amounts, peak flows and elevations, and flood frequencies. A comparison of historic Delaware River floods also is presented. The appendix of the report contains detailed information for 156 high-water mark elevations obtained on the main stem of the Delaware River from Port Jervis, New York, to Cinnaminson, New Jersey, for the April 2-4, 2005 flood.

The April 2005 event originated with frequent precipitation from December 2004 to March 2005 which saturated the soils in the upper Delaware River Basin. The cold winter froze some of the soils and left a snowpack at higher elevations equivalent to as much as 10 inches of water in some areas. Temperatures rose above freezing, and heavy rains averaging 1 to 3 inches on March 27, 2005, melted some of the snow, causing the Delaware River to rise; however, peak elevations were still 2 to 7 feet below flood stage. Another round of rainfall averaging 2-5 inches in the basin on April 2, 2005, melted the remaining snowpack. The combination of snowmelt and runoff from the two storms produced flood conditions along the main stem of the Delaware River.

Flood frequencies of flows at selected tributaries to the Delaware River did not exceed the 35-year recurrence intervals. The Delaware River main stem peak-flow recurrence intervals ranged from 40 to 80 years; flows were approximately 20 percent less than those from the peak of record in 1955. Peak elevations exceeded National Weather Service flood stages defined at continuous-record streamflow-gaging stations by 5 to 7 feet, but were on average 3 to 5 feet lower than the peak of record in August 1955. Peak elevations determined at 48 sites along the main stem of the Delaware River defined the flood profile between the gaging stations. The peak elevation in the tide-effected portion of the Delaware (downstream of Trenton, New Jersey), occurred on April 2, 2 days before the riverine peak, as a result of water pushed into the bay by a low-pressure system situated just off the coast.

Every county located along the main stem of the Delaware River was declared a Federal disaster area. Property damage estimates in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey exceeded $200 million.




Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Area

Delaware River Mileage

Adjacent Canals and Super-Elevation

Methods of Investigation

Precipitation and Snowpack

Flood Peaks

Peak Flow

Peak Elevations

Tidal Peak

Historic Floods

Flood Damage



References Cited


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