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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5075

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5075

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Table 2. Ground-water quality data collected from drive-point wells at the former sewage lagoon at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, June and August 2006.

[Total nitrogen: Nitrate plus nitrite plus ammonia plus organic nitrogen. Abbreviations and symbols: mg/L, milligram per liter; μS/cm, microseimen per centimeter. D, data censored (rejected) by laboratory; rep, field replicate sample; E, estimated value; <, actual value is less than value shown; >, actual value is greater than value shown; ~, approximate value; –, no data]

Site and No. Date sampled Dissolved oxygen(mg/L) Specific conductance(μS/cm) Ferrous iron(mg/L) Chloride(mg/L) Ammonia(mg/Las N) Nitrite plus nitrate(mg/L as N) Nitrite(mg/L as N) Total nitrogen(mg/L as N) Ortho-phosphate(mg/L as P) Totalorganic carbon(mg/L) Carbon dioxide(mg/L)
Upgradient wells
LSU3 06-28-06 575 34.8 3.85 E0.05 0.017 5.49 0.134 72.5 70
LSU4 06-28-06 2,510
Lagoon centerline wells
LSC1 06-28-06 0.1 808 11.5 3.07 <0.06 0.002 3.73 D 14.7 250
  08-16-06 61 4.23 <0.06 0.004 4.82 D
LSC2 06-28-06 553 12.0 7.67 <0.06 <0.002 8.44 0.016 20.1 ~100
Downgradient wells
LSD1 08-10-06 <0.1 661 20.3 3.79 <0.06 0.005 4.29 0.807 13.6 145
  08-16-06 <0.1 650 51.4 3.77 <0.06 0.004 4.38 0.639
LSD2 08-10-06 <0.1 560 36.3 0.814 <0.06 0.004 1.15 0.053 13.7 140
  08-16-06 <0.1 573 38.5 E0.869 <0.06 0.002 1.20 0.021
LSD2 (rep) 08-16-06 E0.864 <0.06 0.003 1.20 0.031
Field sample process blank
LSU4 08-10-06 >1 2.2 0.0 0.014 <0.06 <0.002 <0.06 <0.006 <0.4

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