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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5102

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5102

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Table 3. Summary of potential pesticide use in the DR2 basin, Washington, during calendar years 2003 and 2004.

[–, not available. Compound detected: Y, yes; N, no]

Chemical Type Estimated area
applied (average
2003–2004, acres)
Estimated percentage
of basin applied
Estimated pounds applied
(average 2003–2004)
percentage of pounds
Crops (order reflects
application rates
based on pounds)
Petroleum distillate Insecticide 34.03 2.5 667.05 9.7 Grape
Fonofos Insecticide 129.20 9.5 195.56 2.8 Potato, asparagus, corn Y
Disulfoton Insecticide 60.31 4.4 180.94 2.6 Asparagus N
Chlorpyrifos Insecticide 86.92 6.4 107.80 1.6 Corn, grape, grass Y
Carbaryl Insecticide 68.55 5.0 71.79 1.0 Asparagus, grape, squash Y
cis-Permethrin Insecticide 129.20 9.5 67.15 1.0 Corn, apple, asparagus Y
Malathion Insecticide 34.09 2.5 66.48 1.0 Asparagus, hay, squash Y
Permethrin Insecticide 117.99 8.7 65.00 .9 Corn, asparagus, squash
Methomyl Insecticide 56.23 4.1 39.92 .6 Corn, squash Y
Terbufos Insecticide 31.52 2.3 35.94 .5 Corn Y
Esfenvalerate Insecticide 189.03 13.9 20.69 .3 Corn, pea, squash
Carbofuran Insecticide 9.75 .7 11.95 .2 Corn, squash, hay Y
Endosulfan Insecticide 3.70 .3 7.57 .1 Apple, squash
Methoxychlor Insecticide 3.70 .3 4.62 .1 Apple, grape Y
Bifenthrin Insecticide 45.73 3.4 4.54 .1 Corn, squash
Phorate Insecticide 5.25 .4 4.10 .1 Corn Y
Azinphos Methyl Insecticide 3.70 .3 3.70 .1 Apple, squash Y
Oxamyl Insecticide 3.70 .3 3.52 .1 Apple, onions N
Dimethoate Insecticide 10.78 .8 3.18 .0 Hay, pea, squash
Ethoprophos Insecticide 1.26 .1 2.88 .0 Potato, bean Y
Tefluthrin Insecticide 26.27 1.9 2.63 .0 Corn
Diazinon Insecticide 4.26 .3 2.29 .0 Peas, squash Y
Methyl parathion Insecticide 6.69 .5 3.42 .0 Corn, apple, pea, bean, alfalfa Y
Chlorethoxyfos Insecticide 5.25 .4 .74 .0 Corn
Imidacloprid Insecticide 22.69 1.7 .46 .0 Grape
Cyfluthrin Insecticide 15.76 1.2 .09 .0 Corn
BT Insecticide .00 .0 .00 .0 Squash N
Dieldrin Insecticide Canceled Y
Dinoseb Insecticide Canceled Y
Glyphosate Herbicide 390.70 28.7 1,022.66 14.9 Grape, corn, asparagus, rights of way, ditch, canal, pea, squash
Metam sodium Herbicide, Fungicide 3.70 0.3 569.73 8.3 Squash
Diuron Herbicide 152.08 11.2 429.48 6.3 Asparagus, grape, alfalfa, rights of way, ditches, canal Y
EPTC Herbicide 134.92 9.9 419.58 6.1 Corn, alfalfa Y
Bromacil Herbicide 74.71 5.5 398.44 5.8 Rights of way, ditch, canal Y
2,4 D Herbicide 261.73 19.3 324.10 4.7 Corn, pasture, asparagus, alfalfa, rights of way, ditch, canal, grass, squash Y
Acetochlor Herbicide 131.35 9.7 242.99 3.5 Corn Y
Metolachlor Herbicide 152.36 11.2 228.54 3.3 Corn N
Dicamba Herbicide 79.53 5.9 201.52 2.9 Rights of way, ditch, canal, asparagus Y
Alachlor Herbicide 105.08 7.7 157.62 2.3 Corn Y
Norflurazon Herbicide 62.75 4.6 98.70 1.4 Grape, asparagus N
Atrazine Herbicide 79.75 5.9 95.65 1.4 Corn, pasture, grass Y
Oryzalin Herbicide 34.03 2.5 89.85 1.3 Grape N
Simazine Herbicide 58.16 4.3 63.71 .9 Asparagus, grape, apple Y
Dimethenamid Herbicide 78.81 5.8 63.05 .9 Corn -
Trifluralin Herbicide 52.58 3.9 59.49 .9 Asparagus, pea, squash Y
Metribuzin Herbicide 39.41 2.9 51.08 .7 Asparagus, corn, hay Y
Bentazon Herbicide 66.71 4.9 50.47 .7 Corn, pea N
Cyanazine Herbicide 63.05 4.6 50.44 .7 Corn N
Paraquat Herbicide 62.14 4.6 45.12 .7 Grape, asparagus, corn, alfalfa, squash
Linuron Herbicide 36.19 2.7 32.21 .5 Asparagus N
Bromoxynil Herbicide 112.23 8.3 31.23 .5 Corn, alfalfa Y
Oxyfluorfen Herbicide 45.38 3.3 30.86 .4 Grape
DCPA Herbicide 3.70 0.3 28.88 .4 Squash, onions Y
Sulfometuron Herbicide 49.81 3.7 10.89 .2 Rights of way, ditch, canal
Hexazinone Herbicide 14.31 1.1 8.59 .1 Alfalfa
Triclopyr Herbicide 24.90 1.8 7.47 .1 Rights of way, ditch, canal N
Terbacil Herbicide 1.79 .1 4.29 .1 Alfalfa N
Picloram Herbicide 28.82 2.1 3.75 .1 Grass, pasture, rights of way, ditch, canal N
Clomazone Herbicide 3.73 .3 3.15 .0 Squash, pea
S-metolachlo Herbicide 1.26 0.1 1.89 0.0 Pea
Sethoxydim Herbicide 4.90 .4 1.75 .0 Alfalfa, squash, pea
Triallate Herbicide .95 .1 .95 .0 Pea
Pendimethalin Herbicide .95 .1 .62 .0 Pea Y
MCPA Herbicide 2.21 .2 .53 .0 Pea N
Ethephon Herbicide 3.70 .3 .39 .0 Squash
Imazethapyr Herbicide 2.10 .2 .08 .0 Pea, alfalfa
Quizalofop-ethyl Herbicide .76 .1 .05 .0 Pea
Benfluralin Herbicide Apples, grapes, alfalfa Y
Ethalfluralin Herbicide Squash Y
Prometon Herbicide Rights of way Y
Propyzamide Herbicide Alfalfa, right of ways Y
Tebuthiuron Herbicide Non-agricultural soil sterilizer Y
Sulfur Fungicide 52.17 3.8 346.12 5.0 Grape, pea, squash
Mancozeb Fungicide 3.70 .3 34.49 .5 Squash
Copper Sulfate Fungicide 28.42 2.1 30.80 .4 Rights of way, ditches, canal
Chlorothalonil Fungicide 3.70 .3 29.03 .4 Squash N
Fenarimol Fungicide 79.41 5.8 4.82 .1 Grape
Triflumizole Fungicide 22.69 1.7 4.31 .1 Grape
Myclobutanil Fungicide 18.15 1.3 3.81 .1 Grape
Benomyl Fungicide 3.70 .3 2.54 .0 Squash
Metalaxyl Fungicide 3.70 .3 1.71 .0 Squash
Triadimefon Fungicide 3.70 .3 .43 .0 Squash
2,6-Diethylaniline Alachlor breakdown product Y
Deethylatrazine Atrazine breakdown product Y
Alpha-HCH Insecticide Lindane breakdown product Y

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