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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5117

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5117

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Table 15. Akaike weights and supporting variables for evaluating the percentage of pH values greater than 9.7, Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon, 1990–2006.

[n=17 for all; K, number of parameters in the model; RSS, residual sum of squares; AICc, Akaike information criterion; ∆i, AICi minus the minimum AICc for the set; wi, Akaike model weight; shading indicates the best fit model for each set]

Model July   August
K RSS AICc i e(-0.5*∆i) wi K RSS AICc i e(-0.5*∆i) wi
Peak chlorophyll-a concentration 3 4,418.0 102.4 3.6 0.17 0.08 3 1,484.3 83.8 1.1 0.57 0.20
Degree-days from April 1 to May 15 3 4,370.4 102.2 3.4 .18 .09 3 1,526.9 84.3 1.6 .44 .16
75th-percentile water temperature 3 3,579.9 98.8 .0 1.00 .48 3 1,388.1 82.7 .0 1.00 .35
Cumulative October–May Williamson River discharge 3 4,295.8 101.9 3.1 .21 .10 3 1,549.9 84.6 1.9 .39 .14
Median monthly wind speed 3 4,058.9 100.9 2.1 .34 .17 3 1,695.0 86.1 3.4 .18 .06
Median monthly lake level 3 4,434.5 102.4 3.6 .16 .08 3 1,636.5 85.5 2.8 .25 .09
Remove “best fit” model and reanalyze
Peak chlorophyll-a concentration 3 4,418.0 102.4 1.4 0.49 0.16 3 1,484.3 83.8 0.0 1.00 0.31
Degree-days from April 1 to May 15 3 4,370.4 102.2 1.3 .53 .17 3 1,526.9 84.3 .5 .79 .24
75th-percentile water temperature
Cumulative October–May Williamson River discharge 3 4,295.8 101.9 1.0 .62 .20 3 1,549.9 84.6 .7 .69 .21
Median monthly wind speed 3 4,058.9 100.9 .0 1.00 .32 3 1,695.0 86.1 2.3 .32 .10
Median monthly lake level 3 4,434.5 102.4 1.5 .47 .15 3 1,636.5 85.5 1.7 .44 .13
Remove “best fit” model and reanalyze
Peak chlorophyll-a concentration 3 4,418.0 102.4 0.5 0.79 0.23
Degree-days from April 1 to May 15 3 4,370.4 102.2 .3 .86 .25 3 1,526.9 84.3 0.0 1.00 0.35
75th-percentile water temperature
Cumulative October–May Williamson River discharge 3 4,295.8 101.9 .0 1.00 .29 3 1,549.9 84.6 .3 .88 .31
Median monthly wind speed 3 1,695.0 86.1 1.8 .41 .14
Median monthly lake level 3 4,434.5 102.4 .5 .76 .22 3 1,636.5 85.5 1.2 .55 .19
Remove “best fit” model and reanalyze
Peak chlorophyll-a concentration
Degree-days from April 1 to May 15
75th-percentile water temperature
Cumulative October–May Williamson River discharge
Median monthly wind speed 3 1,695.0 86.1 0.6 0.74 0.43
Median monthly lake level 3 1,636.5 85.5 .0 1.00 .35

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