USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5117

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5117

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Table 2. Ranking of percentiles of lake level by month for May–August 1990–2006 based on post-dam 1922–2006 end-of-month lake level and overall ranking of years, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon.

[Breaks are shown at 25th and 75th percentiles]

Percentiles based on 1922–2006 lake level and corresponding year   Sum of May–August
percentiles by year
Ranking of years
May   June   July   August
Percentile Year Percentile Year Percentile Year Percentile Year
4.8 1992 2.4 1992 3.6 1992 1.2 1994 14 1992
13.2 1994 8.4 1994 6.0 1994 3.6 1992 29 1994
28.9 1991 18.0 1991 16.8 2002 18.0 1991 85 1991
34.9 2004 24.0 2006 20.4 1991 21.6 2002 117 2002
36.1 1990 25.3 2004 26.5 2006 27.7 2006 120 2004
38.5 2001 27.7 2002 30.1 2004 28.9 2000 148 1990
50.6 2002 30.1 2001 34.9 1990 30.1 2004 161 2001
54.2 1997 38.5 2003 36.1 2003 34.9 1990 177 2006
62.6 1999 42.1 1990 40.9 2000 38.5 2003 195 2000
81.9 2000 43.3 2000 43.3 1996 39.7 1996 199 2003
85.5 1995 50.6 1996 49.3 2001 43.3 2001 226 1996
85.5 2003 51.8 1997 59.0 1997 53.0 2005 229 1997
89.1 1993 73.4 1999 62.6 1999 63.8 1997 275 1999
92.7 1996 75.9 2005 65.0 2005 69.8 1993 294 2005
96.3 1998 78.3 1993 68.6 1993 75.9 1995 306 1993
98.7 2006 93.9 1998 83.1 1998 75.9 1999 347 1995
100.0 2005 96.3 1995 89.1 1995 79.5 1998 353 1998

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