USGS - science for a changing world

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5117

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5117

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Table 4. Ranking of years based on the timing of the onset of the Aphanizomenon flos-aquae bloom, Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 1990–2006.

[μg/L, micrograms per liter]

Julian day of the first
sampling date when the
median chlorophyll-a
concentration was
greater than 20 µg/L
Year Julian day when
the interpolated
median chlorophyll-a
concentration was
greater than 20 µg/L
141 1992 139.5 1992
152 2000 140.5 1997
154 1998 141 2000
159 1994 144 2001
161 1999 145.6 1998
161 2005 145.7 1994
162 1990 150.2 1990
162 2004 150.3 1996
163 1996 150.9 2002
163 2001 151 2004
164 2002 151.2 1995
166 1995 151.6 2005
167 1997 157.4 1993
168 1993 158.9 1999
169 2003 160.9 2003
182 1991 170.8 1991
186 2006 172 2006

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