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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5144

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5144

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Table 8. Concentrations of PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) compounds in SPMD (semipermeable membrane device) extracts, Lakes Mead and Mohave, Nevada, 2004 and 2006.

[Concentrations are expressed in micrograms per kilogram of lipid in SPMD. Site numbers are shown in figure 1. Abbreviations: <, less than; E, estimated value; deg C, degrees Celsius]

Compound Date: 05-25-2004 05-25-2004 06-16-2006 05-25-2004 06-16-2006 05-24-2004 05-24-2004 06-13-2006 05-24-2004 06-13-2006 05-24-2004 06-14-2006 06-14-2006 05-26-2004
Time: 1232 1233 0845 1332 1000 1222 1223 0929 1342 0820 1112 1110 0900 1155
Site number: 1 1 1 2 2 8 8 10 13 13 14 16 18 22
Naphthalene <250 <250 6.40 <250 14.1 <250 <250 26.7 <250 14.1 <250 29.2 7 <250
2-ethylnaphthalene E63.8 E205 12.50 E127 26.7 E26.4 E27.5 8.95 <250 4.15 E22.6 8.45 3.55 <250
2,6-dimethylnaphthalene E196 600 31.80 400 65.8 E44.1 E52.2 19.7 <250 11.3 E39.1 22.2 8.5 <250
1,6-dimethylnapthalene E110 338 15.20 E217 33.1 E31.8 E37.6 10.7 <250 5.2 E24.5 10.7 4.5 <250
Acenaphthylene E33.6 E90.9 11.40 E49.6 14.8 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 <250 9.2 <95 <250
1,2-dimethylnaphthalene E34.4 E106 6.04 E69.2 11.94 <250 <250 3.49 <250 1.73 <250 3.29 1.39 <250
Acenaphthene <250 <250 0.56 <250 2.09 <250 <250 1.7 <250 0.61 <250 1.28 0.4 <250
2,3,6-trimethylnaphthalene E147 407 22.40 E214 32.9 E40.0 E35.4 8.51 <250 4.11 E43.7 6.51 3.41 <250
9H-Fluorene E54.4 E142 14.30 E80.3 20.9 <250 <250 10.3 <250 7.82 <250 9.64 7.85 <250
1-methyl-9H-fluorene E79.5 E209 18.00 E97.0 23 <250 <250 11.7 <250 10.1 <250 9.58 9.14 <250
Phenanthrene E235 588 37.90 314 66.5 E50.7 E52.1 17.12 <250 7.92 E51.1 15.72 9.32 <250
Anthracene <250 <250 11.50 <250 15.7 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 <250 <95 <95 <250
2-methylanthracene E34.4 E94.0 15.80 E47.4 20.2 E23.5 E26.1 <95 <250 <95 <250 <95 <95 <250
4,5-methylenephenanthrene E121 319 32.30 E121 40.6 <250 <250 17.5 <250 13.1 E39.6 14.4 12.3 <250
1-methylphenanthrene E111 285 24.70 E127 35.9 E23.6 E21.8 <95 <250 9.35 E36.5 <95 <95 <250
Fluoranthene 516 1400 93.59 509 120.59 E117 E116 47.8 E43.3 21.1 252 31.6 24.5 E39.8
Pyrene E194 517 58.05 E240 75.65 E64.3 E69.4 15.3 E28.0 15.4 E136 14.5 13.2 E49.4
1-methylpyrene <250 <250 <95 E23.5 <95 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 <250 <95 <95 <250
Benz(a)anthracene E64.0 E160 12.60 E71.8 17 E27.7 E29.6 <95 <250 <95 E35.4 <95 <95 <250
Chrysene E127 338 26.20 E117 31.9 E40.2 E46.9 10 <250 <95 E77.4 9.66 <95 <250
Benzo(b)fluoranthene E66.2 E144 17.80 E55.2 22.4 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 E55.1 <95 <95 <250
Benzo(k)fluoranthene E68.5 E192 9.94 E68.3 11.8 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 E32.7 <95 <95 <250
Benzo(a)pyrene E47.6 E122 <95 E49.3 9.9 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 E42.4 <95 <95 <250
Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene E78.8 <250 <95 E74.8 <95 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 <250 <95 <95 <250
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene E55.3 E136 8.47 E54.6 9.17 <250 <250 <95 <250 <95 E42.7 <95 <95 <250
SUM OF PAH 2437.5 6392.90 487.45 3127 722.64 489.30 514.6 209.47 71.3 125.99 930.8 195.93 105.06 89.2
Water Temperature (deg C) 23 23 20 23 19 23 23 23 26 24 24 23 24 27
Days Deployed 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 29 31 29 31 29 29 30
Number of Compounds 21 20 22 22 23 12 11 14 2 14 15 15 13 2

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