Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5187
Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5187
Future research will focus on fluvial sediment sources in the North Santiam River basin. Emphasis will be on identifying the geomorphic processes responsible for supplying sediment to the North Santiam River system. Information will be collected on where the events occurred, the amount of sediment derived, the mechanism that initiated the displacement of material, and how the increase in suspended-sediment affected water quality. When possible, photographic evidence of the effects of the events will be obtained.
Suspended-clay load regression models will be developed from fluvial samples and mixtures of water and soil collected from known sediment sources throughout the North Santiam River basin. More than 500 mixtures of varying concentrations will be analyzed from such sources as earth flows, debris flows, road cuts and failures, and glacial areas. The clay loads are synonymous with persistent turbidity, which has been problematic for the city of Salem water-treatment facility to treat and eliminate.