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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

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Table 1. Major bedrock type, runoff as a percentage of precipitation, index model, and precipitation stations used for model development of perennial gaged and ungaged watersheds, Nevada and California.

[Watershed No.: “u” is ungaged, “g” is gaged. Locations are shown in figure 3. Runoff efficiency: Runoff as a percentage of precipitation from Maurer and Berger (2007, p. 29). Index model: Watershed model for gaged watershed used as index for models of ungaged watersheds. Abbreviations: –, indicates no index model used]

Watershed No. Watershed name Major bedrock type Runoff efficiency (percent) Index model Altitude of precipitation station
Low High
1u Water Canyon Metamorphic and granitic 45 Fredericksburg Canyon Sheridan Acres Daggett Pass
2u James Canyon Metamorphic 38 Fredericksburg Canyon Sheridan Acres Daggett Pass
3u Sierra Canyon Metamorphic and granitic 31 Daggett Creek Sheridan Acres Daggett Pass
4u Genoa Canyon Granitic 30 Daggett Creek Sheridan Acres Daggett Pass
5g Daggett Creek Granitic 21 Sheridan Acres Daggett Pass
6u Mott Canyon Granitic 52 Fredericksburg Canyon Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
7u Monument Creek Granitic 74 Fredericksburg Canyon Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
8u Stutler Canyon Granitic 11 Daggett Creek Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
9u Sheridan Creek Granitic 93 Fredericksburg Canyon Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
10u Jobs Canyon Granitic 31 Daggett Creek Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
11u Luther Creek Granitic 30 Daggett Creek Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
12g Fredericksburg Canyon Metamorphic and granitic 45 Sheridan Acres Heavenly Valley
13g Pine Nut Creek Metamorphic 8 Minden (1980–91) Fish Springs (1992–2002) Minden (1980–91) Fish Springs (1992–2002)
14g Buckeye Creek Granitic 2 Minden (1980–91) Fish Springs (1992–2002) Minden (1980–91) Fish Springs (1992–2002)

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