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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

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Table 4. Summary of model results for 14 perennial watersheds in Carson Valley, water years 1990–2002, and comparison with estimates from Maurer and Berger (2007).

[Values in inches are volumes in acre-feet, divided by watershed area, in acres, multiplied by 12. Watershed No. ending in “u” is ungaged; watershed No. ending in “g’ is gaged watershed. Locations of watersheds are shown in figure 3. Measured or reconstructed mean annual runoff: From Maurer and others (2004, p. 14); measured for gaged watersheds; reconstructed for ungaged watersheds. Relative difference in runoff: Computed from values in acre-feet as (simulated−estimated/estimated)*100. Estimated mean annual precipitation: From Maurer and Berger (2007, p. 29). Estimated mean annual ET: Multiply reported ET rate, in feet, by watershed area to obtain ET volume in acre-feet. Estimated mean annual ground-water inflow: From Maurer and Berger (2007, p. 32). Ground-water inflow: Defined as ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley. Abbreviations: acre-ft, acre-feet; ET, evapotranspiration]

Watershed No. Watershed name Drainage area, (acres, rounded) Mean annual precipitation Relative difference in precipitation estimates (percent) Mean annual runoff Relative difference in runoff (percent) Mean annual ET   Mean annual ground-water inflow
Estimated by Maurer and Berger, 2007 1971–2000   Simulated by watershed models 1990–2002 Measured or reconstructed by Maurer and others, 2004 1990–2002   Simulated by watershed models, 1990–2002 Estimated by Maurer and Berger, 2007   Simulated by watershed models, 1990–2002 Estimated by Maurer and Berger, 2007   Simulated by watershed models, 1990–2002
acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.) acre-ft (in.)
1u Water Canyon 1,700 4,200   4,200 0 1,900   2,100 11 2,400   1,900   0   100
(30)   (30) (13)   (15) (17)   (14)   (9)   (0.9)
2u James Canyon 1,300 3,400   3,300 -3 1,300   1,300 0 2,100   1,700   60   200
(31)   (30) (12)   (12) (19)   (16)   (0.6)   (2.2)
3u Sierra Canyon 2,000 4,900   4,900 0 1,500   1,400 -7 3,200   2,800   200   600
(29)   (29) (9.0)   (8.4) (19)   (17)   (1.2)   (3.5)
4u Genoa Canyon 1,400 3,200   3,000 -6 960   1,000 4 2,100   1,700   80   400
(27)   (26) (8.2)   (8.6) (18)   (15)   (3.5)   (3.1)
5g Daggett Creek 2,400 5,600   5,700 2 1,200   1,100 -8 3,600   3,000   700   1,600
(28)   (29) (6.0)   (5.5) (18)   (15)   (3.5)   (7.9)
6u Mott Canyon 1,300 3,300   3,400 3 1,700   1,600 -6 1,600   1,600   0   0
(30)   (31) (15)   (15) (14)   (14)   (0)   (0)
7u Monument Creek 1,500 3,500   3,600 3 2,600   1,800 -31 900   1,800   0   0
(28)   (29) (21)   (14) (7)   (14)   (0)   (0)
8u Stutler Canyon 1,600 4,000   4,000 0 450   450 0 1,900   11,600/1,000
(30)   (30) (3.4)   (3.4) 23,500   (14)   2100   (12.3)
9u Sheridan Creek 640 1,400   1,400 0 1,300   700 -46 (19)   660   (0.5)   0
(26)   (26) (24)   (13) (12)   (0)
10u Jobs Canyon 2,000 5,500   5,500 0 1,700   2,000 18 3,200   2,800   700   800
(33)   (33) (10)   (12) (19)   (17)   (1.3)   (4.7)
11u Luther Creek 2,800 7,200   7,200 0 2,200   2,100 -5 4,500   4,100   500   1,200
(31)   (31) (9.4)   (9) (19)   (18)   (2.1)   (5.3)
12g Fredericksburg Canyon 2,400 6,400   6,700 5 2,900   3,000 3 3,800   3,300   0   300
(32)   (34) (14)   (15) (19)   (17)   (0)   (1.6)
Subtotal, Carson Range3 21,000 52,600   52,900 0 19,700   18,600 -6 30,200   27,300   2,300   46,200
(30)   (30) (11)   (11) (19)   (16)   (1.3)   (3.5)
13g Pine Nut Creek 6,400 8,500   7,200 -15 670   690 3 7,000   5,200   700   1,200
(16)   (14) (1.3)   (1.3) (13)   (10)   (1.3)   (2.3)
14g Buckeye Creek 28,900 34,000   33,000 -3 690   700 1 29,000   25,000   3,600   7,000
(14)   (14) (0.2)   (0.3) (12)   (10)   (1.5)   (2.9)
Subtotal, Pine Nut Mountains3 35,300 42,500   40,200 -5 1,360   1,390 2 36,700   30,100   4,300   8,200
(14)   (14) (0.5)   (0.5) (12)   (10)   (1.5)   (2.8)
Total (rounded) 56,300 95,100   93,100 3-2 21,000   20,000 3-5 66,900   57,400   6,600   14,400
(20)   (20) (4.5)   (4.3) (14)   (12)   (1.4)   (3.2)

1 About 600 acre-ft from Stutler Canyon is assumed to supply streamflow to Sheridan Creek, and is not available as ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley. Remaining 1,000 acre-ft assumed to supply ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley.

2 Estimates from Maurer and Berger (2007) are for the combined watersheds of Stutler Canyon and Sheridan Creeks.

3 Values of relative difference for subtotal and total are actually average values, rather than subtotals.

4 Includes 1,000 acre-ft from Stutler Canyon.

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