Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5224
Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5224
Summary of Optical-Backscatter and Suspended-Sediment Data, Tomales Bay Watershed, California, Water Years 2004, 2005, and 2006
By Jennifer A. Curtis
Table of Contents
Conversion Factors
Methods of Data Collection and Analysis
References Cited
Data collected at Lagunitas Creek at Samuel P. Taylor State Park, Lagunitas Creek near Point Reyes Station, and Walker Creek near Marshall, California.
Appendix A (download in Excel format, 27.3 MB)
Appendix B (download in Excel format, 203 KB)
Figure 1.
Location of Tomales Bay, Lagunitas Creek watershed, Walker Creek watershed, and sediment and streamflow gaging stations.
Figure 2.
Optical-backscatter sensor calibration, (A) first sensor deployed November 21, 2003, through January 21, 2005, and (B) second sensor deployed January 21, 2005, through June 1, 2006, at Lagunitas Creek at Samuel P. Taylor State Park, California.
Figure 3.
Optical-backscatter sensor calibration, (A) first sensor deployed November 21, 2003, through January 21, 2005, and (B) second sensor deployed January 21, 2005, through June 1, 2006, at Walker Creek near Marshall, California.
Figure 4.
Instantaneous streamflow, measured suspended-sediment concentrations, and estimated suspended-sediment concentrations, Lagunitas Creek at Samuel P. Taylor State Park, California, (A) water year 2004, (B) water year 2005, and (C) water year 2006.
Figure 5.
Instantaneous streamflow and uncalibrated/edited optical-backscatter data, Lagunitas Creek near Point Reyes Station, California, (A) water year 2004, (B) water year 2005, and (C) water year 2006.
Figure 6.
Instantaneous streamflow, measured suspended-sediment concentrations, and estimated suspended-sediment concentrations, Walker Creek near Marshall, California, (A) water year 2004, (B) water year 2005, and (C) water year 2006.
Figure 7.
Ratio of suspended-sediment concentration to optical-backscatter sensor-output voltage as a function of suspended particles finer than 0.063 millimeter, (A) first sensor deployed November 21, 2003, through January 21, 2005, and (B) second sensor deployed January 21, 2005, through June 1, 2006, at Lagunitas Creek at Samuel P. Taylor State Park, California.
Figure 8.
Ratio of suspended-sediment concentration to optical-backscatter sensor-output voltage as a function of suspended particles finer than 0.063 millimeter, (A) first sensor deployed November 21, 2003, through January 21, 2005, and (B) second sensor deployed January 21, 2005, through June 1, 2006, at Walker Creek near Marshall, California.
Table 1.
Annual seasonal suspended-sediment yield at Tomales Bay watershed stream gaging stations during water years 2004, 2005, and 2006.
Table 2.
Percentages of valid optical backscatter data collected at Tomales Bay watershed stream gaging stations during water years 2004, 2005, and 2006.
Table 3.
Storm event data for Tomales Bay watershed gaging stations during water years 2004, 2005, and 2006.
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